Berger 115?


New member
How decent are the Berger 115fb in a 30br ? I will be shooting local club 100yd for score.

I found a source for BiB bullets but its 510$ Canadian for 500 bullets. Im just not sure if thats in my budget for fun matches. The Bergers are 386 Canadian for 500.

How decent are the Berger 115fb in a 30br ? I will be shooting local club 100yd for score.

I found a source for BiB bullets but its 510$ Canadian for 500 bullets. Im just not sure if thats in my budget for fun matches. The Bergers are 386 Canadian for 500.


The 115 Berger FB are a decent bullet. RG
Thanks. I would prefer some of yours buts its a little out of budget for now .

Should i still try a hard jam with the bergers and around . 004 neck tension to start?

Roger that - with any small to medium volume thirty Cal. cartridge, intended for precision work, and short/light bullets, that's where I'd start.

I have discussed seating and bushing size with many who use, "other" bullets, or, mine, who can't quite reach the goodies: "jam" and neck-tension, are almost always the last pieces of the puzzle . . . well, unless you, "begin at the end"!;)

I get a fair number of call-backs, from individuals (above) who were wary of jam, neck-tension, and compression - the usual call-back goes something similar to, "it was like turning on the lights". :D Just keep in mind, that [almost] nothing is absolute (except that, nothing is absolute:p), or, universal. I know several individuals who make some "jump" work, but even they - well, most of 'em - use adequate neck-tension: enough to prevent the powder from pushing the bullet hard enough to alter seating-depth.

If your BBL "likes" a jump, you must be prepared to use a small enough neck bushing enough to keep the bullet where it needs to be - the powder will be slightly more compressed . . .:eek: Keep 'em ON the X! RG

If your BBL "likes" a jump, you must be prepared to use a small enough neck bushing enough to keep the bullet where it needs to be - the powder will be slightly more compressed . . .:eek: Keep 'em ON the X! RG

assuming you maintain properly annealed necks
I have had really good success with the Berger 115's in my 30 BR.
Although they shoot well at jam my current bbl really likes them at .025 off jam which is just off the lands with my reamer.
I use a .327 bushing in a .332 NK chamber, loaded round measures .330 so @ .003 neck tension.
33,8 gr of my current lot of H4198 is going 3047 FPS, and fills the case @ 1/2 way up the neck.
(This combo shot a 500-30x at last club match.)
For what it's worth, I use Ezell tuners on all my SR BR rifles, and have found that the tuner seems to be "easier to tune" with
the bullet just off the lands with most (but not all) of my PPC barrels as well.
Even if the groups are equal at jam and just off the lands (usually .025-.030 off JAM) without the tuner, the just off seems to have a wider tune window.
Don't know why, just what I've observed. Maybe Mike or Gene could weigh in on this.
Just my experience, your results mat vary but in my opinion you won't be handicapped by the Berger.
I always had good results with Berger 108 BT
But with a new batch of Berger, I was having a harder time having good groups. So I borrowed a box of 500 units of Bib 108 grains (I believe it's an older lot).
Already in the first tests, just changing the jump, I got groups of 3 shots smaller than .15 MOA at 100 m in a 6 BR and a Dasher.
I was impressed.


I always had good results with Berger 108 BT
But with a new batch of Berger, I was having a harder time having good groups. So I borrowed a box of 500 units of Bib 108 grains (I believe it's an older lot).
Already in the first tests, just changing the jump, I got groups of 3 shots smaller than .15 MOA at 100 m in a 6 BR and a Dasher.
I was impressed.

View attachment 22830

you really need to measure each Berger 115 with a .308 ogive checker mounted on a Vernier. My results show they need to be segregated. They shoot just fine when you present them to the barrel at the same distance off, on or into the lands.
One would do well

to measure all their bullets and segregate them. The biggest reason certain lots of bullets don't shoot is the variation of the ogive slope length. The current lot of Burgers 115's I have are within a thou but that is unusual. Doesn't matter who's bullets they are, if the ogive slope length varies, they won't shoot well.

to measure all their bullets and segregate them. The biggest reason certain lots of bullets don't shoot is the variation of the ogive slope length. The current lot of Burgers 115's I have are within a thou but that is unusual. Doesn't matter who's bullets they are, if the ogive slope length varies, they won't shoot well.


What do you use to measure them?

And how much variance do you allow?
I use

What do you use to measure them?

And how much variance do you allow?

a .30 stony point compactor on my dial vernier. I segregate by .001". What it does is makes it easier to seat accurate OAL's. I make every effort to maintain exact OAL's. if one goes to shoot what they have proven to shoot groups in the small zeros, why would they be satisfied with anything else? I put in the time to try to assure I have made the very best ammo I can. There are enough other things that can go wrong without shooting thrown together ammo.

How decent are the Berger 115fb in a 30br ? I will be shooting local club 100yd for score.

I found a source for BiB bullets but its 510$ Canadian for 500 bullets. Im just not sure if thats in my budget for fun matches. The Bergers are 386 Canadian for 500.


115 Bergers 34.4 gr of my new lot of H4198 (3068 avg vel. 13es 4sd) shot 500-24x at our score match last weekend.
I am a little different as I shoot mine at .025 off hard jam which is just off touch with my reamer. They just seem to have a little wider tune window just off.
I put 5 leftover rounds in the sighter on the last 100 yd target (43 rounds through since cleaning) went into a tidy .195 with me underholding on the 4th shot.
They work!:)
And the best part with 1100 rds down this barrel (Krieger 1-17) there is ZERO signs of erosion/firechecking and doesn't seem to build carbon up that much.
That could be a function of limited clearence on the OAL and zero lead?
I LOVE this cartridge!!
By the way 3 of the top 4 finishers in the Grand were sporting Ezell tuners.
They also work!:)
Jacket material

Found out some yrs ago jacket material changes ojive changes this changes seating depth bill brawand also to much lub
Why some lots of bullets"Don't Shoot"

Found out some yrs ago jacket material changes ojive changes this changes seating depth bill brawand also to much lub

If the ogive slope is inconsistent, none of em will shoot but if one controls that dimension, most of em will shoot just fine.
