Bench Rest Pistols

Alum stock

glbreil ,
Pretty cool , who did the Alum stock?

Thanks, I made the stock and did the rest of the work as well. It is built on a striker pistol action.

Here`s a Kelbly Cub set into a special aluminum stock which I build,,mostly for XP`s though,,shown on one of the rest systems that I build also for pistols...
Fuzz....... ya'all be showing that pistol for a couple of years......... does it shoot?

Your friend,
Jeff Aberegg
Any new pics or new builds?
Figure I'd open up this old thread.

Who makes the rear grip bag slider stock? Is that an option on the kelbly stock? I'd like to build a br pistol.


Savage Conversion I shot last year ... But New Stuff in the Mix for this next year...This year will be a 243AI and a 6.5x284 for Long Range , and 6 and 30BR for the short stuff ... Not new but established ...

If you want more check out Specialty Pistols.. under Bolt guns .

A Buddy Eric Wallace just put this together .. 6x47 Lapua..

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Here are my four LR pistols..........The center grip in the swoopy Fajen stock is 7/08, the black one is a .223 Ackley, the marble one I just recently rebarreled from 6mmBR to 6mmBRX with a 1 - 8.5 Border barrel. This is the pistol I have been shooting in the "famed" Hickory Egg shoot. And the Contender is a Hart barreled 7.62x39. Antelope, mule deer, PD;s and groundhogs have bit the dust with all four of these.
Rich De


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Historic info posted on behalf of the computer challenged "Clown Prince of Benchrest"; Sir Tom Libby III.












Jeff ....
THANKS So Much , This is Awesome .... I know of this Publication , But I have never seen it ....
I would love to have a couple Issues for a Keep Sake , if anyone has some stashed . I really love these Pistols , and would really like to see a revival ...

Thanks Again
I want to thank Jeff for posting the Shooters News info for me as I can’t shoot and chew gum at the same time.

For what it’s worth info:

I will give you my small input on the start of the pistol benchrest category. John Gammuto (then the editor of the Shooters News) and I think some assistance form George Kelbly started the birth of a new class in our NBRSA group shooting world. It really seemed like something that would be fun and different at the same time. I think the timing was great as it seemed that a lot of benchrest shooters were looking for (different).

We started without to much in Rules as it was new territory, so let’s shoot a match or two to see what will be fair. It did have to fall under the legal pistol with a pistol action and I believe a barrel not longer than 18 inches. I am not sure about the first match on the pistol actions but there were at least 3 of us that had the new Stolle Cub action to use. So I am not sure about the XP 100 which most shot, if it was/is a pistol action.

You had to shoot with the same set up as we do with the benchrest rifle, front rest, rear bag etc. It took a while to get use to how to hold it and get something in the way of getting a rhythm going for a group. I was awkward for me shooting a left bolt and a left port, which I needed to still hold the pistol and open the bolt and take out the case and put the next round in.

The next thing to try and do is to get enough interest in the benchrest community to have some ranges and shooters for this category to take off.

WELL: for my input only here is at least one reason it got stuck in the mud before you even went to the tire shop to get the mud tires on the thing. We had to set up hopefully a set of simple RULES for it. Problem I saw was one of the rules were a weight limit on the pistol (not that should not be) but we already had several shooters that were shooting a pistol that weighed more than the new 13 ½ lb weight limit set in the new rule. And they were in the top 5 winners at the match we held. Also at this time there were several benchrest shooters that were in the middle or almost done putting together a pistol to shoot this new class that were heavier stocks etc. The NEW RULES quickly put a short fuse to the new pistol sport. Now that being said I am not sure if we had or would have had enough ranges or shooters to continue this class at our matches. ALL I Know is it was a Hell of a lot of FUN.

So that is my input for whatever you want to do with it. HOPE this is some ok info for some of you. Thanks for listening to me ramble on.

Tom :eek:
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I seem to remember a match at Visalia, where there were maybe five Benchrest pistol shooters. They shot right along with the rifle shooters, but separate stats. were kept, for their own winners. I was around at the end of the match, and I am a little fuzzy on the details but I think that Stu won the rifle grand, with a teen agg. but the pistol agg. was slightly smaller. I don't remember whether you were at that match. Does any of this ring a bell?

Tom ,
Thanks for the History and your thoughts and ideas ... I really love these guns , All are works of Art to me .
And I would like to see them have there own class , but I also know it would almost impossible to do so ...
My Story is , I shoot Long Range Pistols , Have owned many different Platforms over the years from TC's to Bolt Guns ..
Last year I shot 1000 yd matches with the Guys from Colorado Rifle Club ,Byers ,Colorado .They are very gracious and friendly . This year I will shoot with them again and Hopefully in Iowa ( already talked to Gordy Gritters).I don't expect a separate class , I'll shoot heads up with the guys and there long guns .It adds some fun...
I would like to see other groups shooting( 100,200,600,1000), open their doors and let the guys with Pistols who might interested ... shoot .After all , Its supposed to be about having Fun , and building Friendships...And Competing .
I find shooting these short guns a HOOT..

Thanks Again for your response
Ray Prager ( Vince)