Bedding the BAT SV with a holland lug


Eddie Fosnaugh
BAT SV action with a pinned Holland recoil lug.

The stock is a TMBR inletted for the SV by TM.

My question is, usually when you see a BAT SV or similar action, with a conventional recoil lug such has a Holland, the tang area will not be bedded but sitting on top of the stock....why?

Why not bed both tang and recoil lug?

This is what I plan on doing and was just wondering if it will have any ill effects. Thanks!
I don't think I can recall seeing a BAT with the rear tang left un-bedded intentionally...where are you seeing that practice??
If someone is using a BAT action in High Power rifle with a magnum chamber..they might have a recoil lug, but the rear tang not being bedded into the stock might be a visual miss-interpretation...On an F Class stock the pistol grip area may drop away from the action at an acute angle and the tang is is not fully recessed/flush with the stock, but it is partially bedded...
some stocks do not have the depth to fully accept an action to where the tang is flush with the stock tang area...also one must allow for the cocking piece of the bolt to clear the stock...or else a groove must be notched into the tang of the stock for clearance when the bolt is retracted..
In response to your question YES bed both the recoil lug and tang...
Normally, when you see that done, it is bedded into a stock that had a generic 700 type inlet. I have bedded many BAT SV's and always bedded the tang into the stock.
