Bartlien gain twist bbls

Tony B shot one when the craze 1st started and shot well with it--BUT he could shoot a Piece Of Pipe and do well

According to Tony himself....that is not true. There is an old adage that 95% of the rifles on the line are capable of winning if shot by the right person. Tony strongly disagrees with this and states that there are only a few at a typical match that are capable of winning. Good shooting....James
There used to be just a couple of rifles at a match of say...30 or so...that were the winners before a shot was fired....before folks left home. There's more winning rifles, capable rifles, now but the concept remains. Yes, Tony knows how to do it better than anybody else but his rifle is always top drawer.

The entire premise of competitive Benchrest shooting is within this post...or JDMock's post. Pick one and read it until you completely understand what were sayin'.
Benchrest might be the only shooting Discipline were the man sitting at the bench is only as good as the Rifle laying in the bags.
Benchrest might be the only shooting Discipline were the man sitting at the bench is only as good as the Rifle laying in the bags.

AND the rifle is no better than the shooter. The best rifle in the world ain't worth diddly if the shooter doesn't point it in the right direction and pull the trigger at the right time.
The shooter is the final(and most important) part of the equation.
I see some bbls at bulletcentral that are gain twist that are 14.5-13.75 and 15-14.25 and 13.85-13.75,,why would you want just a .10 gain?? somebody thinks it helps or they wouldnt make them,,

,,has anybody shot these bbls to see how they do?? I would really like to try the 14.5-13.75 with a zero freebore 6BR or the 6 Grendel cases,,accuracy is KING I know that but speed has a place also or everybody would still be shootin 222s,,

anybody have any experience with these gain twist bbls,,

I'll only make a couple of comments as this has been beaten to death on every forum etc......

The Nationals just finished.. and 7 out of the top 9 had Bartleins and if memory is correct all of them or nearly all of them are GT.

They are being used in F Class and FTR as well. Also not as popular but also being used in the tactical bolt gun matches.

Also there is a ammunition pressure test barrel being tested and compared to straight twist barrels at a major bulllet/ammo maker right now. This will give us real world data and not people guessing etc....and when I get the data I will be posting it first on Snipers Hide.

You got more specific questions....I'm not gonna write a book here. Call me on the phone at the shop.

Later, Frank
Bartlein Barrels