Banking Issues for both Gunsmiths and Gun Owners...


New member
I have been doing machine and gunsmith work for forty plus years. I got my FFL and started doing others work officially in January 2005. I accepted cash, checks and money orders for payment for parts and services. Never had a problem depositing my customers checks. My local bank of 50 years was sold to a large national bank. The personal service has suffered they want to sell you something at every corner. Recently went to a First Citizens Bank, I identified my self and said I am in the firearms industry is that a problem. The banker said "no problems", and I opened both a personal and business account. The banker said she would look into getting me a "Merchant Account" (credit card processing service). After three weeks the banker told me that First Citizens Bank would not offer me a Merchant Account. The reason(s) were 1. "I am in the gun business". 2. "I conduct non face to face transactions". 3. "I don't have a store front operation". Not having a Merchant Account effects you as a customer as much or more than it does me as a vendor. I have since closed my accounts with First Citizens Bank. In search for another bank and Merchant Account I have found that there is a Consortium of Banks and Merchant Account services that are choosing to not do business with Federal Firearms dealers. This is a result of President Obama's and Eric Holders Operation Choke Point. I and many Federal Firearms dealers are completely frustrated with this problem. I urge every gun owner to contact your bank and see what their policies are regarding firearms purchases and weather the offer Merchant Services to FFLs. I would appreciate your posting your findings and lets see if we get consistent findings. I know Bank of America, City Bank, Chase Bank, PNC, First Citizens, BB&T, Wells Fargo, SunTrust, to name a few are not Firearms or Firearms Industry Friendly. In order to personally deal with this I am going to quit taking checks, or credit cards drawn from these banks and Merchant Accounts. Accepting only Cash, Checks and Credit Cards from Firearms Friendly (institutions) or Postal Money Orders. If enough of us become educated on the matter we can move our accounts or refuse to accept payment from these banks and Merchant Accounts and they may wake up. As they say money talks. I understand this is going to be an inconvenience to both myself and my customers. I may loose some customers, so be it that means the others will get their rifles back sooner. I hope other Firearms Industry businesses with join this effort.
Nat Lambeth
May i suggest you look into quick books total service.
They offer cc services (intuit) into your bank account for a very small cc fee, better than either of my banks.

I doubt what the banks are doing is against the law.
You could try a class action law suit, but money wins most times and you are fighting banks.
I doubt what the banks are doing is against the law.

I believe that this is ,somewhat, outside the law. I read a column about this recently and what I remember is that this is being done through the Federal Reserve which is not a "Governmental" agency. This was prompted by that twerp Eric Holder at the behest of the head twerp, Obama. I have accounts at Wells Fargo and Bank of America and have been considering moving the money elsewhere. I have accounts at USAA and I don't think they do business loans so that shouldn't be a problem. The problem, though, is putting you eggs into too few baskets. I try to limit my risk exposure by spreading my money around so I won't lose it all if a bank fails. The list that Nat provided covers most, if not all, of the major banks, so our alternatives are definitely limited.
Banking Issues

Nate, John Kruzan trying to help. I'm not very knowledgeable about business or banking but when I read your post a light went off in the dark recesses. So I'll share this with you in hopes it helps get you started on the path to dealing with normal people. I have a Scheel's Visa Card issued on The Bank of Omaha. I love Sheel's Stores and shop in them when I'm in Dakota in the spring and fall; so I reasoned that they had to be "Gun Industry" friendly. Called customer service there a few minutes ago and ask if they were friendly to firearms world because they issue credit cards for Scheel's All Sports. The representative told me proudly that not only are they gun friendly with Scheel's, they also administer the NRA credit card program. I think I'd call them if I were you and see where it goes. The information is as follows: First National Bank Of Omaha P.O. 8580
Omaha, NE 68108-8580. Customer Service telephone is 888-530-3626

I sure hopes this leads you to an acceptable solution to your problem. If I can help further I'll try. My Phone number is 615-774-3192.

Best of luck, John Kruzan
FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD...government board/appointees....banking /money guidelines.
FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS..private companies making money hand over fist distribution paper 'currency".

I believe that this is ,somewhat, outside the law. I read a column about this recently and what I remember is that this is being done through the Federal Reserve which is not a "Governmental" agency. This was prompted by that twerp Eric Holder at the behest of the head twerp, Obama. I have accounts at Wells Fargo and Bank of America and have been considering moving the money elsewhere. I have accounts at USAA and I don't think they do business loans so that shouldn't be a problem. The problem, though, is putting you eggs into too few baskets. I try to limit my risk exposure by spreading my money around so I won't lose it all if a bank fails. The list that Nat provided covers most, if not all, of the major banks, so our alternatives are definitely limited.
Nat, think back to the source...big banks. These are operated by the same folks who are trying to take our guns.

I deal with small locally owned banks, what there is left of them, mostly credit unions.

When the NRA came out with their own Credit Card back in the mid 90's, I got one. Some part of proceeds go back to the NRA. First National Bank of Omaha is the bank that runs them for the NRA. They have been nothing but great to deal with. Everything done right herein America, no outsourcing, no strange accent to try and understand if you call them. The NRA card offers a rebate program, we can get a couple hundred dollars in credit each year. They are good people.
When the NRA came out with their own Credit Card back in the mid 90's, I got one. Some part of proceeds go back to the NRA. First National Bank of Omaha is the bank that runs them for the NRA. They have been nothing but great to deal with. Everything done right herein America, no outsourcing, no strange accent to try and understand if you call them. The NRA card offers a rebate program, we can get a couple hundred dollars in credit each year. They are good people.

"Ditto" what Wayne says!

The nra also offers third party cc processing.
I do not believe they have the best dollar value, but that has to be your decision.

I own Dardas Shooters Supply, Inc. and conduct business as Dardas Cast Bullets. I have done business with several credit card processing companies (see my homepage They promised me that they would never drop me because of my business. Well, they did drop me and I have them listed on my homepage. I have been doing business with Independent Bank since I incorporated 24 years ago and they obviously are very friendly to me. The last credit card processing company that dropped me - First Data, informed me last month that they were cancelling my account because I was an ammunition manufacturer. So I informed them that I was dropping them because they were not supportive of the Second Amendment! Anyway, Independent Bank set me up with I have only been online with them for a few weeks with no problems. You may want to look into them. The terminal is very user friendly.

In order to personally deal with this I am going to quit taking checks, or credit cards drawn from these banks and Merchant Accounts. Accepting only Cash, Checks and Credit Cards from Firearms Friendly (institutions) or Postal Money Orders. Nat Lambeth

is this realistic? or knee jerking?
I understand the frustration, but is this a realistic approach to the issue.
I bank with bank of America.... it's convenient... they have branches everywhere. I can deposit checks with my smart phone.
If I was order something from a vendor, and was told I refuse to take your check because of the bank you use, I would turn around, and take my business somewhere else... and if asked.... not speak highly of that business.
Your name has value... my name has value.... I would hate for that value to suffer because of this.

Mr. Lambeth.... I mean no disrespect AT ALL!!!!
Let me get this correct,
you would rather SUPPORT an anti gun corp than go through the task of moving your account, because it is too inconvenient for you?
When/where do you intent to start supporting pro gun rights businesses ??
So far you are SUPPORTING the other side.

is this realistic? or knee jerking?
I understand the frustration, but is this a realistic approach to the issue.
I bank with bank of America.... it's convenient... they have branches everywhere. I can deposit checks with my smart phone.
If I was order something from a vendor, and was told I refuse to take your check because of the bank you use, I would turn around, and take my business somewhere else... and if asked.... not speak highly of that business.
Your name has value... my name has value.... I would hate for that value to suffer because of this.

Mr. Lambeth.... I mean no disrespect AT ALL!!!!
Bank of America owns my mortgage. I could refinance, but it doesn't make sense to with the rate I have on that loan.
They give me free checking because of my mortgage. I use their visa cards since they are linked to my checking account.

I was merely stating that I am not sure if I could/would turn down business based on a bank that my customer chooses to do business with.

With the little amount of money I have in the account, they are not making much (if anything) from me.
P1ZombieKiller - thanks for clarifying what you wrote earlier. They do have us over somewhat over a barrel.

....not including Nat. It appears that he's "over it" !!!
P1ZombieKiller - thanks for clarifying what you wrote earlier. They do have us over somewhat over a barrel.

....not including Nat. It appears that he's "over it" !!!

Wilbur: it want be long before Obama tells the Post Office not to issue money orders to Gun and Ammunition Dealers. At that time I will surrender my FFL, do day work only for cash or trade.
is this realistic? or knee jerking?
I understand the frustration, but is this a realistic approach to the issue.
I bank with bank of America.... it's convenient... they have branches everywhere. I can deposit checks with my smart phone.
If I was order something from a vendor, and was told I refuse to take your check because of the bank you use, I would turn around, and take my business somewhere else... and if asked.... not speak highly of that business.
Your name has value... my name has value.... I would hate for that value to suffer because of this.

Mr. Lambeth.... I mean no disrespect AT ALL!!!!

B of A lost my business in 1986. 3 checks from the same branch were not deposited for 2 wks. I bounced the rent check. These checks were stuck in the night depository box 2 days before the due date..........And at the office of the branch that was incompetent. The manager basically said tough .
"You are in the Navy. What are yo going to do?" Well, you could have pulled the money out of my savings account. The B**** said "well, if we did that how would we be able to charge you freeloaders for screwing the system up."
I said well. You just lost 6 accounts. I pulled my savings and checking. And my room mates did the same. That B**** threatened to call the cops......
BofA only likes to deal with businesses.........they screw the little guy all they can.....Every few months they change the names on the checking so you have to pay for a free service........Use their IRA accounts. And don't make a deposit every 3 mos. you get charged for a free service. Brokerage fees.....
Go to Vanguard for all brokerage services. They are free......
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I don't think these issues come randomly, there might be some sort of a cause for getting such an issue. The main thing is that the merchants need to get their accounts ready for transactions. If that fails, then it's not going to be fine for them. Whenever they tend to begin a new business, the first thing they need is to be ensured that their account is ready to get transactions done. I took my account from MerchAct at the beginning and that solved all issues like this.
None of this is new it has been going on for some time now, it also extends into the insurance companies. A number of years ago I had to change my business ins co due to some wet behind the ears B****, who was working for the under writing co. all because she didn't like the name of my business which is 84 years old with the same name. Even had the balls(?) to suggest changing the name. This is the same co that wanted business insurance on my truck as I once in a great while pick up or drop something off to a customer. ( the coverage is the same it just costs twice as much)
Neither banks or insurance companies are your friends. Nothing is ever their fault.
Night deposit boxes- have a couple horror stories about that also. One similar to above but a six figure deposit -there were several heads rolling in the parking lot of that institution of former employees- not nice to piss off the good humor man. Yes, they lost a very large retail account due to their errors.
Keep a very close eye on credit processing co. and the institution that is receiving the funds, magical things happen not in your favor, above and beyond the international hacking past time. The equipment as well as the people are not infallible much as they would like to have you believe otherwise.