Bank of America

I just checked & this is popping up on all the gun forums. Here is a chance for all of us to take a stand & do something instead of just passing e-mails around to other people who already feel as you do. I get these useless e-mails from friends all the time. I guess it makes them feel good. Preaching to the choir is useless but stopping the use of BOA credit cards will send a message to other businesses that want to tread on the 2nd amend. Besides belonging to the NRA, boycotting BOA is the only other positive step I can take.
Pass this around.
I have been hand writting on every envelop I mail in Big Bold red letters In God We Trust ever since I heard the wanted to have it removed off the walls of some Post Office in Texas.

Now it will be hand written on the front of every envelop in Very Bold Red Letters , BANK OF AMERICA IS ANTI GUN and under that I will put, IN GOD WE TRUST.

This will be put on every piece of mail that I send out, I started today with 7 pieces of out going mail today.
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They were bailed out with 25 billion dollars from the government. The government got the 25 billion dollars from law abiding gun owning tax payers. And this is how B of A says thank you?
Not surprising...did anyone really think the bail outs would not have strings attached ????

BofA....bought and paid for by socialists posing as Democrats.
That's what I was doing but the BOA took over their credit card division. You can only hurt them in the pocket book. There are enough of us to make a difference. Easy enough to try. We may have more clout than we realize if we boycoot them.

Lesson #1 don't deal with the big banks period. I don't!!

Use locally owned banks and Credit Unions.
I recently received a mail note with my VISA bill,stating that FIA card services was cancelling my current VISA bill and sending me a BANK OF AMERICA credit card....without my approval. I refused the BofA card and went to my local SunTrust bank and began a VISA directly with the (I have use SunTrust for 50 + years). I do NOT like being manipulated by FIA and Bof.
THANKS for the headsup.
They were bailed out with 25 billion dollars from the government. The government got the 25 billion dollars from law abiding gun owning tax payers. And this is how B of A says thank you?
BoA $25 Billion maybe. A recent FED audit shows the TARP bailout (Troubled Assets Relief Program) which was passed in 2008 and signed by our own GW Bush. just 43 minutes after passage, turned out to be $16 TRILLION (with a T. Look it up!!) Even some US Senators have links on their web sites to this.

Note-- $16 TRILLION is more than our entire National Debt from 1776 to 2012!!!!

Or do you even care?
I bank with BOFA and have no intention of stopping right now, regardless of how they treat McMillan or anyone else for that matter. I have bigger fish to fry than protesting a bank because of its political stance.

hmm, how about if BofA were anti-Semitic, or anti-black, or anti-woman, or anti-whatever you hold dear? (Right-minded readers, please excuse the liberal litany of politically-correct causes... I'm trying to make a point here)

Or is it most important, maybe for mere convenience, to keep your bank accounts with BofA? You have the right to choose your principal over the principle that provides the PEOPLE of America the right (and obligation) to keep and bear arms so they can remove an unjust, over-reaching government. That right sure as heck won't make you popular on this forum.
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Originally Posted by AMMASHOOTA
I bank with BOFA and have no intention of stopping right now, regardless of how they treat McMillan or anyone else for that matter. I have bigger fish to fry than protesting a bank because of its political stance.

AMMASHOOTA yes it is your prerogative to stay with BOA, but what part of this post do you not understand. It is Obvious that BOA is part of the antigun party, next thing you know BOA will be having some kind of a deal like, if you traid in your guns we will give you $50 bucks if you open a checking Account
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well, i won't get personal here. I bank with BOFA and have no intention of stopping right now, regardless of how they treat McMillan or anyone else for that matter. I have bigger fish to fry than protesting a bank because of its political stance.

if you don't like it, it's your problem, not mine.

I belong to a number of gun forums and followed a link to this thread from one of them on the topic. I originally had no intent of signing up as a new user till I read the post by AMMASHOOTA.

noun, plural ap·a·thies.
absence or suppression of passion, emotion, or excitement.
lack of interest in or concern for things that others find moving or exciting.

It's precisely this attitude that perpetuates the ongoing erosion and degrading of our freedoms and Rights in this country. It's much easier to accept status quo and quietly sit in our recliners hoping someone else will act to protect our interests than it is to actually DO something. Personally, I don't have any accounts with BofA. Since their policy change that made it easier for illegal aliens to obtain accounts without SS numbers and apply for loans went into effect, I vowed never to do any future business with them. With this recent development and revelation of their anti-gun stance, I will certainly NEVER do business with them under any circumstances and will go out of my way to make sure anyone I deal with knows the facts as well.

Apathy = too lazy to care.
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I have been using BofA mostly for on-line bill paying. I do my saving elsewhere. My wife and I have pension and social security electronic deposits to BofA and it will take some effort to change them to another bank. Anyone hear anything too negative about Wells Fargo? I did find BofA convenient when I was at a BR match in Raton and needed some cash to buy a used gun. That's not enough to stay with them though.
hmm, how about if BofA were anti-Semitic, or anti-black, or anti-woman, or anti-whatever you hold dear? (Right-minded readers, please excuse the liberal litany of politically-correct causes... I'm trying to make a point here)

Or is it most important, maybe for mere convenience, to keep your bank accounts with BofA? You have the right to choose your principal over the principle that provides the PEOPLE of America the right (and obligation) to keep and bear arms so they can remove an unjust, over-reaching government. That right sure as heck won't make you popular on this forum.

I completely agree with you.
Boa bought out my credit card company and last year Boa bought my new home loan from my local Suntrust bank. Hard fools to get away from.I can do something about the credit card but probably stuck with them on the loan.
Wells Fargo,,,, I cant speak to their Gun Views but....
When my exwife went crazy and I tried to close the accts they gave me more than 10 kinds of grief.
My attorney asked me if I wanted him to fix it for me. He said he had sued them successfully 5 times that year.
I said nope just give her the account, which the judge did and she had to deal with the grief of it.
I will never do business with them again.
They constantly put my deposits in other peoples accounts and a few other issues.
JUST My opinion.
It's kind of humorous to see what one would give up for a little convenience, kind of like selling your soul to Devil as it is allot easier than the inconvenience to do just the opposite.

well, i won't get personal here. I bank with BOFA and have no intention of stopping right now, regardless of how they treat McMillan or anyone else for that matter. I have bigger fish to fry than protesting a bank because of its political stance.

if you don't like it, it's your problem, not mine.

There was a guy over on accurate shooter forum that was sticking up for BOA and bad mouthing Mr. McMillan the forum boss locked it, let's not let it get out of hand here or the same thing may happen, it's important to get the word out on BOA. You good patriots ignore posts like this one, I know it's hard I am the key reason it got locked on the forum I mentioned as I get to wound up and the rant was on, glad to see the thread on this forum has stayed on topic pretty much,...keep the fight against liberalism and big Anti gun establishments like BOA going, this is a important thread.
Some questions here for discussion...Let's say an actor/personality spoke out against guns. Would Y'all be willing to boycot all his movies? How about those that advertise/sponsor his TV show? How about the cable company that airs the channel? And finally...How about the stores that sell the sponsor's product? How about if there were a million or more others doing the same thing at the same time to make the sacrifice more palatable?

When Y'all get ready to make it a business decision for those that take the other side just let me know - I'm there already but would be somewhat a "crackpot" to go it alone.
Some questions here for discussion...Let's say an actor/personality spoke out against guns. Would Y'all be willing to boycot all his movies? How about those that advertise/sponsor his TV show? How about the cable company that airs the channel? And finally...How about the stores that sell the sponsor's product? How about if there were a million or more others doing the same thing at the same time to make the sacrifice more palatable?

When Y'all get ready to make it a business decision for those that take the other side just let me know - I'm there already but would be somewhat a "crackpot" to go it alone.
Wilbur, thanks for letting this thread run.
Sometimes we need to get into the political arena and thrash it out. As you know we all have somewhat different ideas about how to deal with these type issues.
As for me just Throw the bums out with the rest of the trash!!!