AZBRS 2015-2016 Season Schedule



We have finalized the Arizona Bench Rest Shooters’ 2015-2016 Match Schedule with the Ben Avery Shooting Facility in Phoenix, AZ and have updated this information on the website. After talking with our shooters, and some internal discussion, we decided to modify the schedule a bit. Unlimited Gun shooters will be happy to see one more Unl5-Unl5 match than last year’s season. We also moved a few match dates around so that they didn’t coincide with large sporting events in the area. This should allow shooters to book hotels a little easier and at a better price, so make sure to look the new schedule over if you plan to attend the 2016 Cactus Classic.

We look forward to seeing everyone at the 2015 LV-HV Arizona State Championship in October.

To view the full schedule and read more details about each match, click the link below.

NOTE: These matches are still pending Official Approval by our NBRSA Director.
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Is there any way of pre-registering for a match?

Hi Lawrence,

You can email us at and we can pre-register you for any of our normal matches.

Note: The Cactus Classic will have its own registration form that we will post to our website and to these forums when we begin to accept registrations for it as well.

You can always visit our website at for additional information or email us at
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Any Dates for the 2016 Nationals??


Hi Dan,

The NBRSA 2016 Nationals are tentatively scheduled for October 10-15, 2016 with practice being on October 3-9, 2016. These dates are still being reviewed and are awaiting approval from the NBRSA, so they are subject to change at this point. When these dates are official you can expect a new post in these forums or an update to this thread.