ATT: Bartlein Barrel Fun Match and Raffle Prize Winners from the NBRSA Nationals

Some people would still B**** if you gave them a million dallors , because they would
have to pay taxes !! Just thank GOD and be HAPPY

I am new to this sport and like it very much. Just like
the competition and having fun , I do not like negitivity
at all , but just a small perception from me ,I was very
surprized at some attitudes at matches I have attended !
Makes me wonder is it worth the expense and trouble to get
into this sport. Sorry !! Guys Lighten up and have FUN
I am new to this sport and like it very much. Just like
the competition and having fun , !! Guys Lighten up and have FUN

Dnal this thread is not typical We do have fun and we do shoot some really good groups, like at this this NBRSA Nationals, Mark Buettgen and Gene Buckys, for example shot Aggregates in the 0.13" range in the same event so that will give you something to strive for. He had a very young new shooter Wyatt Pienhardt, about 15 years of age or so who placed very high, Walt Berger, about 80, founder of Berger Bullets won an entire aggregate (and shoots his Berger Bullets very well), Colin Martin, about 90 who did quite well and I could go on.

So you see, you can't start too young, or be too old to shoot and have fun at this sport.

And we ARE thankful to supporters like Bartlein and the others who help us along.

Welcome to the best game in the shooting sports!!
Why this sport is in a constant state of declining membership! Why not simply say "thank you" to Jack Neary for seeing to it that the barrels were donated to begin with. How about a big thank you to Bartlein for donating the barrels. Every shooter there had the same opportunity to compete for the barrels, be it by paying your fee for the fun shoot or by being drawn. Those of you who come on a public forum and bash someone like Neary who works tirelessly for the sport of bench rest are pathetic. And if you feel the need to voice an opinion on the issue and you weren't even there, most of us who were, would appreciate it if you simply kept your mouth shut.

Thank you Jack Neary
Thank you Bartlein
Thank you Nancy and Bob
And a huge Thank You to everyone involved in making it one of the smoothest run nationals I have ever been to!


Well said Andy..................:cool: You too Todd..................:cool::cool: Not sure if that is one word or two???????

Could not have said it any better

Why this sport is in a constant state of declining membership! Why not simply say "thank you" to Jack Neary for seeing to it that the barrels were donated to begin with. How about a big thank you to Bartlein for donating the barrels. Every shooter there had the same opportunity to compete for the barrels, be it by paying your fee for the fun shoot or by being drawn. Those of you who come on a public forum and bash someone like Neary who works tirelessly for the sport of bench rest are pathetic. And if you feel the need to voice an opinion on the issue and you weren't even there, most of us who were, would appreciate it if you simply kept your mouth shut.

Thank you Jack Neary
Thank you Bartlein
Thank you Nancy and Bob
And a huge Thank You to everyone involved in making it one of the smoothest run nationals I have ever been to!


At the AGM Wednesday evening when it was mentioned that there were NO nominations for Executive positions and positions would stand it is amazing how QUIET the crowd gets. No one wants the politics. Well a big THANK YOU to the current NBRSA Executive for standing up and taking whatever heat gets thrown at you from the membership. If you have a beef, speak to your rep. Still not happy, step up to the plate.

Thanks Jack(Comic)Neary for all your work in promoting the sport.

Thanks Andy

Thank you Andy for putting what I was thinking into words. I agree completely with what you said and would add that the Fun Shoot was a fundraiser for the NBRSA and Holton to offset the cost of bringing in a terrific scoring team for ALL 160 shooters. A lot of us don't know (nor would we care to know) what goes on behind the scenes at a National Shoot with an attendance of 150+ shooters. Most of us like to show up, shoot, and enjoy ourselves. With the thousands of combined hours that go into planning and running the match we should simply say 'thank you for giving your time' and quit the complaining about this little stuff. If this is all you've got to complain about, I'd say it was a damn fine match and would like to again thank Bob and Nancy, the target and scoring crew, Jack and Dennis.

This particular Fun Shoot (which apparently is at the heart of the controversy) wasn't simply a winner gets the barrel certificate ordeal (again it was a fundraiser to offset the additional costs of an awesome target crew). Since 1st, 5th and 10th place won a certificate and since most competitors hadn't shot their LV or SP that day or even at 200 yet for the week, everyone had a fair chance to shoot a good group and win one of the three certificates. There were still 3 more Bartlein barrel certificates for the "general population" to get drawn for, which is what I would usually expect for a barrel manufacturer to donate to a merchandise draw.

If you want to be disappointed in the lack of merchandise donated for drawings, then let the companies you buy goods from know about it, chances are pretty good that they did not even know about the event or that there will be a merchandise draw. I would wager that the reason you don't see the amount of merchandise for door prizes at a big benchrest match as compared to the F Class matches is that the vendors aren't being asked. The guys that run F Class are a vocal bunch and they're not shy about asking the big manufacturers for swag. In the months leading up to a big event, call, write or email (politely) and ask if they have sent or are planning to send merchandise or certificates to the event. As a retail outlet for reloading and shooting goods, I never say no to sending merchandise or gift certificates to a National, State or Regional event, but I need to know about the event and be asked before I can send something.

I'm just sayin'

Pat Reagin