Assualt rifles ban???

To hard to enforce -- costs too much money. CA is nearly bankrupt. Most efficient way is to simply prevent importation of restricted parts into the state as is currently done with 'off list' guns.

1. Since when is money a problem for the Federal Government?
2. Think Waco and Ruby Ridge.
3. This was given as an example. I am certain that given time (and the unlimited funds of the imperial Federal Government) they could come up with regulations by the score.
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I was invited to a Machinegun Shoot the other day and there was an H&K dealer there. He had brought, what appeared to be, a full line of what they offer for sale INCLUDING, the Big One, which, in my opinion, was head and shoulders above every other Machinegun there. The Subs were no different in how they performed. If I were going to buy one Assault Rifle, it would be one of them. Not the Big Feller but one of the subs. They also had a half dozen AK's there. The one I shot was surprisingly accurate. I was able to actually place shots where I wanted to @ 100 yds. Perhaps I chose a very good one but I was surprised how well it shot and ran.
We sit around and talk about what Obama is going to do but how many of us are fighting. This is a fight! We are in a fight! If he gets re-elected bans are coming, mark it down, bans are coming. He's not going to tell you this because he can't afford to loose a single vote and too many folks that do what we do just don't believe this can happen. They will never come to our homes and take guns, but they can cause us a lot of grief with bans, ammo restrictions, components, taxes and he will. If this man gets re-elected and has no fear of another election, God help this country.
Dave T
just so you know i work gun shows ..nearly every week end..i have not seen a lower in any form in months...they are all in guns.

buy stripped lowers from a known name..but not all "name"...lowers are made by maybe a dozen companies..and nearly none are actually in the ar rifle biz.

parts are made to spec for a price...

as far as the new frontier being "plastic" its like calling a glock "plastic". these are prorietary composites..with patents.

i have shot the plum crazy lowers and they work 2 cents worth is the that new, is selling what used to be the plum crazy product.

buy lower parts lits from known makers to minimize quality issues..armalite, rock river, stag...

now back to politics...
I have not been impressed with Obama's ability to accomplish anything. If he somehow wins election then I'm sure he will continue to play golf and let the economy stagnate. I think everyone is giving this fool WAY too much credit!

I have not been impressed with Obama's ability to accomplish anything. If he somehow wins election then I'm sure he will continue to play golf and let the economy stagnate. I think everyone is giving this fool WAY too much credit! Tim

Tim, Don't be too fast to judge. The gun industry and the NRA haven't stagnated.

Daily News
Gun industry thrives under Obama administration despite warnings
Gun sales are on the rise and the number of gun dealers is increasing for the first time in nearly 20 years, according to an analysis by The Associated Press.
Friday, October 19, 2012, 12:04 PM

Frederick Prehn, owner of Central Wisconsin Firearms, says he expanded his business to a new location last summer because of increased gun sales.

President Barack Obama has presided over a heyday for the gun industry despite predictions by the National Rifle Association four years ago that he would be the “most anti-gun president in American history.” Gun buyers fear that Obama wants to restrict their purchases, especially if he were re-elected.

An analysis by The Associated Press of data tracking the health of the gun industry shows that sales are on the rise, so much that some gun manufacturers can't make enough guns fast enough. Major gun company stock prices are up. The number of federally licensed, retail gun dealers is increasing for the first time in nearly 20 years. The NRA is bursting with cash and political clout. And Washington has expressed little interest in passing new gun laws, despite renewed calls to do so after recent deadly shootings in Colorado and Wisconsin.

Obama has made no promises to impose new gun control legislation and doesn't have the support in Congress or among voters even if he did. During this week's presidential debate, Obama suggested renewing a U.S. ban on assault weapons and coming up with an overall strategy to reduce violence, but both Obama and Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney said the government needs to enforce gun laws already on the books.

“The driver is President Obama. He's the best thing that ever happened to the firearm industry,” said Jim Barrett, an industry analyst at C.L. King & Associates Inc. in New York.

Tennessee lawyer Brian Manookian said he never considered himself a gun enthusiast like others in his state. He owns only one handgun. But the firearms industry has proved so lucrative for him that he's enthusiastic now. Manookian and his business partner, Gary Semanchik, opened a $5 million firearms retail and training complex in September in Nashville.

Inventory is selling three to four times faster than they expected since the facility opened.
“It is a very strong investment,” Manookian said.

Others agree. For the first time since 1993, the number of federally licensed retail gun dealers in the U.S. increased slightly in 2010 and 2011, as the country added 1,167 more licensed retail gun dealers, according to Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives records. After the assault weapons ban in 1994, the number of gun dealerships dropped annually until 2010. As of October 2012, there were 50,812 retail gun dealers — that's 3,303 more than in 2009.

“Business has been very good,” said Frederick Prehn, who a year ago opened a small gun store above his dentistry practice in Wausau, Wis. In the past year, Prehn has relocated twice to larger spaces and gone from one employee to eight.

Some gun store owners can't keep shelves stocked, said Brian Jones, owner of Bullseye Shooter's supply in Painted Post, N.Y. Jones said he opened his gun store in November 2010. In his first year, Jones said he sold between 600 and 700 guns. A little more than halfway through his second year, he's already sold 700.

For the first time in the company's history, Sturm Ruger & Co. Inc. stopped taking orders for a couple months this year. Ruger, one of the nation's largest gun manufacturers, has since resumed taking orders, though gun-sellers say demand is still outpacing production.

Obama is not yet through his first term, but the federal government already has conducted about as many background checks for gun owners and prospective buyers on his watch as it did during the first six years of George W. Bush's presidency. In the first 3 1/2 years of the Bush administration, the FBI conducted about 28 million background checks. During the same period of the Obama administration, the FBI conducted more than 50 million. The gun industry uses the number of background checks on gun owners as a reliable indicator of demand.

Ruger and Smith & Wesson represent nearly 30 percent of the U.S. gun manufacturing industry and lead the market in production of pistols and revolvers, according to government statistics. The two companies have been running production lines around the clock, hiring workers and operating at maximum capacity, said Barrett, an industry analyst who also owns Ruger stock.

Ruger's sales have increased 86 percent since Obama took office, and Smith & Wesson's sales have gone up nearly 44 percent, compared with 18 percent for overall national retail sales.

And the companies have big expectations for the industry's future, as they're spending more money on research and development than ever before.

“Wouldn't you want to be in a business where customers are just begging to hand you money?” said Bill Bernstein, owner of East Side Gun Shop in Nashville, Tenn.

The NRA itself has done well, too. The lobbying organization has had more cash on hand during the Obama years than it did since 2004, finishing 2010 with more than $24 million, according to the most recent figures available.

“Which makes it incredibly ironic that the gun lobby is opposing Obama,” said Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. Gross said Obama, who initially campaigned to reinstate the assault weapons ban that expired under Bush, has done what he said was “disappointingly little” on gun control.

But the gun lobby says the success of the industry does not indicate that Obama is good for Second Amendment rights.

“This is the most dangerous election in our lifetimes,” NRA chief executive officer Wayne LaPierre said in February, a point he's made regularly during the NRA's campaign to defeat Obama.

The NRA stands by its 2008 predictions that Obama would be anti-gun. NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam noted Obama's appointment of two Supreme Court justices whom the NRA considers anti-gun, plus Obama's support of a United Nations arms trade treaty and the botched gun-walking operation called Fast and Furious, which the NRA believes was concocted as part of a plan to enforce new gun restrictions.

“Gun owners and hunters fear that a second Obama administration with no future political campaigns to worry about will try to destroy this great American freedom,” Arulanandam said.

It is hard to find a single aspect of the gun world that isn't thriving.

Fears of a Democratic president taking office and issuing stricter gun control laws led to an initial spike in gun sales in 2008, giving gun dealers some of the highest profit margins they've ever seen. But even after it became clear Obama was not going to make gun control a priority as president, the industry has continued to do well.

Fear of crime may be driving some sales. The number of violent crimes rose by 18 percent in the U.S. in 2011, according to Justice Department figures released this week. It was the first year-to-year increase for violent crime since 1993, marking the end of a long string of declines.

Firearms sales typically increase during poor economic times, said Steve Sanetti, chief executive officer and president of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, a trade association for the industry. More Americans are hunting and shooting for recreation as well, he said. Sanetti attributes that to military servicemen and women with firearms experience returning to civilian life and wanting to keep up with shooting as a pastime. He also said recreational shooting is a relatively cheap and accessible hobby, drawing in new buyers.

Voters have made clear that gun control isn't a priority. A recent AP-National Constitution Center poll found that 49 percent of adults felt laws limiting gun ownership infringe on the public's right to bear arms, while 43 percent said such laws do not infringe on those rights. After the recent mass shootings in Colorado and Wisconsin, 52 members of Congress sponsored a bill to track bulk sales of ammunition, but the legislation went nowhere.

Bernstein and others attribute some of the industry's success to all but one state — Illinois — offering permits to carry a concealed weapon. In some cases, people have been buying guns because they're afraid of the day they won't be able to.

“Any gun owner might fear that,” said Justin Paulson, a 22-year-old grad student in Nashville who recently purchased a handgun from Bernstein's store. Paulson said he's been collecting guns since he was 18. He's currently up to 16. He purchased his most recent handgun because he thought the one he had was too small to defend himself. And the timing of his purchase was deliberate. “Chances are things might be a little tighter in terms of control come November,” he said.

Fears about new gun laws mean dollar signs for the gun industry.

Bernie Conaster, owner of Virginia Arms Co. in Manassas, Va., has doubled the size of his suburban Washington gun store, hired more employees and paid bonuses since Obama has been in office.

“I certainly don't want to stoke the fire,” said Conaster, “but I'll ride the wave while it's here.”
most of in the industry see an issue if he does not get re-elected.
people will "see" the end of the threat..and sales will plumet....and our income /sale will decrease.( not much income in my part of the field)
there are always two sides to a coin.
no i do not want him in office..i think he is a bigger threat to my future retirement.
lets hope for a recovering economy with what ever gets elected....
not holding my breathe
mike in co
just so you know i work gun shows ..nearly every week end..i have not seen a lower in any form in months...they are all in guns.

buy stripped lowers from a known name..but not all "name"...lowers are made by maybe a dozen companies..and nearly none are actually in the ar rifle biz.

parts are made to spec for a price...

as far as the new frontier being "plastic" its like calling a glock "plastic". these are prorietary composites..with patents.

i have shot the plum crazy lowers and they work 2 cents worth is the that new, is selling what used to be the plum crazy product.

buy lower parts lits from known makers to minimize quality issues..armalite, rock river, stag...

now back to politics...

I have notified the Colorado chapter of the ASPCA that your owner is violating leash and muzzle laws.
and some people are just idoits...
i doubt a dog or cat would stay with you...
get a life...
i posted on a current topic with current data and you go off on a tangent...
does the term f**koff sound familiar to you ??
mike in co

I have notified the Colorado chapter of the ASPCA that your owner is violating leash and muzzle laws.
The "ace in the hole" for the gun grab has already passed Congress and signed into law......the Affordable Health Care Act aka Obamacare.......when you apply for health insurance and must answer the question " Do you engage in any hazardous activity (i.e, hunting, target shooting) or have dangerous or hazardous materials in your household ( i.e. guns, gunpowder,cartridges)? They won't come and take them, they'll make it so expensive (through super-high health insurance premiums....or flat refusal to even offer insurance to gun owners, thereby forcing you to give up your firearms. And don't even think about lying on the insurance form......remember we all signed FFL Form 4473........GOTCHA. Remember, initially health insurance companies will be given the chance to make the law work....BUT it is inherent in the law that there will be little which point the Federal Government takes it over.
We lost our Freedom on 15 January, 2009.
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The "ace in the hole" for the gun grab has already passed Congress and signed into law......the Affordable Health Care Act aka Obamacare.......when you apply for health insurance and must answer the question " Do you engage in any hazardous activity (i.e, hunting, target shooting) or have dangerous or hazardous materials in your household ( i.e. guns, gunpowder,cartridges)? They won't come and take them, they'll make it so expensive (through super-high health insurance premiums....or flat refusal to even offer insurance to gun owners, thereby forcing you to give up your firearms. And don't even think about lying on the insurance form......remember we all signed FFL Form 4473........GOTCHA. Remember, initially health insurance companies will be given the chance to make the law work....BUT it is inherent in the law that there will be little which point the Federal Government takes it over.
We lost our Freedom on 15 January, 2009.

Mr. Smith,

You are aware that the Affordable Care Act has a section titled “Protection of Second Amendment Gun Rights”, aren't you? If not, perhaps reading the section will alleviate some of your fears.

Mr. Smith,

You are aware that the Affordable Care Act has a section titled “Protection of Second Amendment Gun Rights”, aren't you? If not, perhaps reading the section will alleviate some of your fears.


Mr. Smith, A quick synopsis:

Advisor Network
7/23/2012 @ 9:57AM 6,712 views

Gun Owner Rights and Obamacare - Yes It Is In The Law

In the Affordable Care Act, the gun lobby’s section is in Title X, starting on page 2,037, line 23.

“Protection of Second Amendment Gun Rights” contains five provisions mostly dedicated to shutting down conversation about guns in medicine. What do these sections contain?

Wellness and prevention programs may not require the disclosure or collection of information relating to the presence or storage of a lawfully possessed firearm or the use of a firearm.

The next provision states we can’t collect data related to owning or using firearms.

Provision three states we can’t use or maintain records of individual ownership or possession of firearms or ammunition.

Provision four limits the ability to determine rates or eligibility for health insurance based on gun ownership..

The final provision related to gun owners is that individuals do not have to disclose they own a gun.
manufacturing ffl needed to assembly assault rifles for sale or distribution.

From the ATF website
Q: Is it legal to assemble a firearm from commercially available parts kits that can be purchased via internet or shotgun news?
For your information, per provisions of the Gun Control Act (GCA) of 1968, 18 U.S.C. Chapter 44, an unlicensed individual may make a “firearm” as defined in the GCA for his own personal use, but not for sale or distribution.
there looks to be plenty of parts and such on the arket from what little looking i have done. Actually the market is saturated with it. Ill probably buy a few stripped lowers. I will give three of them away for gifts and keep a couple in the safe. Lee
Mr. Smith,

You are aware that the Affordable Care Act has a section titled “Protection of Second Amendment Gun Rights”, aren't you? If not, perhaps reading the section will alleviate some of your fears.


No, my fears are not alleviated one bit. You have more faith in politicians than I. This law has set a precedent, in which instead of a constitutional amendment to repeal the 2nd.....(a huge hurdle ....and political suicide to undertake), a simple amendment,or amendments to the AHC law , can incrementally erode your right or ability (i.e. cost prohibitive) to own firearms. Once private insurers find the new law and it's mandates make it impossible to make a profit, the government take-over of the system will see one big beaurocratic clusterbuck.....too many people with too few H.C. resources. The fact that we are in debt beyond the comprehension of most individuals, could easily sway members of both parties to make extra-ordinary attempts to control the new burden of H.C. costs. I could not find any language in the bill that states the gun clauses are not severable from the law. The precedent this law sets is the key....because it will allow for Obamacare 2.0 which will probably be more restrictive.
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Well, here it comes. Cook County, IL. just passed a $25 tax on each firearm sold in that help defray healthcare costs from gun violence. This AHCA HAS opened the legal door to ways to make gun ownership cost prohibitive to the average American.
One would think the NRA will be pushing back on that new tax, hard to justify if not unconstitutional to have law abiding gun owners supporting violent gun use.
