as of 330 est, trump was at 268 of 270 needed.

Big deal.

This whole Electoral College thing reminded me of the "Y2-k" panic back at the turn of the century. Remember? The World as we know it was going to end.

The news media hyped it up so much that many actually believed it.

Of course, most of the Pop Culture Community, Entertainment Industry, and 30 year old adults with Liberal Arts Degrees still living with mom and dad were hoping that they would suddenly wake up and it would have all been a bad dream, and Hillary was the winner.

But, reality can be a cruel beast. It has a way of slapping you up side the head and telling you to grow up and get on with life.

But then, there is always Canada.
maybe jim and fancis can hold hands as they cross the border
This whole Electoral College thing reminded me of the "Y2-k" panic back at the turn of the century. Remember? The World as we know it was going to end.

The news media hyped it up so much that many actually believed it.

Of course, most of the Pop Culture Community, Entertainment Industry, and 30 year old adults with Liberal Arts Degrees still living with mom and dad were hoping that they would suddenly wake up and it would have all been a bad dream, and Hillary was the winner.

But, reality can be a cruel beast. It has a way of slapping you up side the head and telling you to grow up and get on with life.

But then, there is always Canada.

Jackie, I did a fair amount of work related to Y2-k and while it wouldn't have been the end of the world there was a lot of damage that could have occurred if the systems hadn't been corrected.
But then, there is always Canada.

I don't usually talk directly to CMeier since he was MikeInCo but I'll make an exception with advice.
Grow up and pay less attention to what the liberal press "reports".
You should probably stay up wind of those Mary Jane Shoppes in your home state.
I didn't run to Canada during the Vietnam Era draft and I won't now.

You guy's be nice or I will ask my Liberal government to send down a little Polar Vortex.....

You guy's be nice or I will ask my Liberal government to send down a little Polar Vortex.....

You wait till you get down to the states again Mr. Hope. It's been -12 here. You already sent some of that Canadian cold down here A. Hope to see you in VT or this state where true Mainers do weird things with goats and sheep. LMFAO! Have a Merry Christmas A.
You wait till you get down to the states again Mr. Hope. It's been -12 here. You already sent some of that Canadian cold down here A. Hope to see you in VT or this state where true Mainers do weird things with goats and sheep. LMFAO! Have a Merry Christmas A.

Hey Jim, Thanks........... The only powder I am seeing these days is white.

And a Merry Christmas to you!
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G'day from down under.

Well, you got the bloke that you voted for, the stock market is up, the biased media got it all sooo wrong! :rolleyes:

Nothing wrong with a bloke trying to bring manufacturing and jobs back to great country.

As we say here in the land of the kangaroo, give the bloke a fair go - who knows? you may be pleasantly surprised!

Have a safe and merry Christmas cousins - it's forecast to be about 100° + here for the next week. Range is closed so I am off to the cool mountain lakes with my fly rod.

You shall sort things out eventually!

* doghunter *

My cousins in Omemee, Ontario hate it when I call our Michigan weather as being influenced by an Alberta Clipper. Suddenly this year the Detroit weather folks are calling this a Siberian Express. Great, now we'll have the Siberians disgruntled.
Global warming will resume in May.
Merry Christmas, Eh

It's well known that the RUSSIANS have weather machine. Not global warming.Politically correct, maybe.

G'day from down under.

Well, you got the bloke that you voted for, the stock market is up, the biased media got it all sooo wrong! :rolleyes:

Nothing wrong with a bloke trying to bring manufacturing and jobs back to great country.

As we say here in the land of the kangaroo, give the bloke a fair go - who knows? you may be pleasantly surprised!

Have a safe and merry Christmas cousins - it's forecast to be about 100° + here for the next week. Range is closed so I am off to the cool mountain lakes with my fly rod.

You shall sort things out eventually!

* doghunter *

The media is still biased against the man. We will have HELL to pay when the Socialist/Communist get control again.
You mean about the Goats & sheep? Just a long running joke between Mr. Hope & me, but if it bothers you, no problem Wilbur.

You need to quit moving north must be infectious. Remember that down here in the States "goats" isn't a proper noun. You don't need to capitalize it 'Goats' no matter how close you'se are to 'em...
................ We will have HELL to pay when the Socialist/Communist get control again.

So just don't PAY it....."payment" in this case is a choice.

I just got off the phone with one of my suppliers and he said "Happy Holidays".....I told him "I don't DO 'Happy Holidays', ever"

"OH", he said, "sorry"

So I wished him a Merry Christmas and a Glorious and Blessed New Year. He got all confused and then said "sorry" again and "well we can't be too careful these days".........

And I disagreed AGAIN! I told him that in my opinion THE ONLY REASON we "have to be careful" is because we've BEEN care-full for 'wayyy too long. I do not apologize for being a white Christian American. I have every right to be proud of and love my country and my God. I do not pander to brainless liberal rhetoric and I CERTAINLY DO NOT "fear the man."

God Bless America and A Merry Christmas to ALL!!!

