Are you kidding me?



Last week I talked to a well known shooting store. Explained to the person working at the store that I was looking to buy a stock for a Panda action and was very specific about what I needed. They said they had one for my Panda action. Long story short it arrived last Friday. What they had sent was an unfinished block of graphite. Not only was it not inletted for a Panda it didn't even have a barrel channel or guard screw holes. So I guess that technology it would fit a Panda or any other action if a person had the tools to get it done!
When I called I was then told I can send it back but I would be charged a "15 percent restocking fee". This is a place I've dealt with for years.
I find this deceptive and just plain not right.
I will take the high road and not mention names but my whole family shoots and will not be doing business with this guy ever again.
So much for customer service or loyalty to your customers. Not a bad deal for this outfit, walk 10 feet, put it back on the counter and you just made over 50 bucks.
Sorry for the rant but this is very frustrating.
That does suck!!!! Really a little unbelievable to be honest. Most folks in the benchrest business are pretty good folks. Im not doubting what you say though, as i wouldnt do that!! Good luck and i hope it all works out. Lee
That restocking fee was 15% of $385. Thats a lot of money just for walking across a room, and throwing it a card board barrel.

$385 for what amounts to a chunck of Graphite that resembles a stock.

Years ago, I had a friend in the Used Car Business. He always told me he did not make money selling used cars. He made money selling used cars, then re-poing those cars, and re-selling them back.

$50 restocking. I doubt there was that much profit to be had in the initial sell.

You have a small claims court in your area?.....jackie
I once bought a set of Jewell rings from a fellow here. He assured me they had never been on a gun, A-1 condition.
Well, possibly they were never on a gun, but certainly had been used as hose clamps, as the ears on one were bent
down and it was high polished. The second ring was standard finish and well used, just not on the same hose. They didn't
taste good, but should have for a $100 bucks. I did find a good set here from a fellow in Ca. It was a pleasure to pay
It's a lot like ordering a Panda action and you get a big chunk of aluminum! $57 dollars to put it back on the shelf. I specifically asked for a stock that fit a Panda action at no time was I told that it was not inletted or a barrel channel in the stock. Call me crazy but I would have thought that this might be told to a customer.
If you haven't spoken to the owner yet, I would start there. Sometimes the help think they are helping, when they are not. I'd be surprised that a reputable dealer wouldn't take the stock back and refund all your money. If being nice doesn't work, you can always out them after your partial refund. You'd still be out the $50 but you might feel better.
Last week I talked to a well known shooting store. Explained to the person working at the store that I was looking to buy a stock for a Panda action and was very specific about what I needed. They said they had one for my Panda action.

Wow. "A shooting store guy" knew what a Panda action was. Amazing.
I go to a BIG Store in Dundee, MI. Huge on Sporting Goods. Nice place for lunch, too.
NBRSA E.R. holds a meeting there once a year.
First it's real hard to get any help. Believe me. If I can't find it in 2 sec. and there is a store person around. I ask for help. And that part is usually behind me.....
But, anyway. Back to hired help and all. I mention Benchrest. I get the best blank stare ever. It's great. :)
Zippy its a benchrest shooting "store". This isnt the first time someone has had bad dealings with it.
As we all know the moment the store or its location is listed the thread is deleted.
Just the way it is.
They have already lost quite a bit of business.
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Here"s a hint! The man always looks like he just came in from stomping a crate of baby ducks.
Johnson, as a Moderator, I feel that there is nothing wrong with venting your frustrations. Please be aware that putting a name out, or giving too many hints as to who it might be, will get this deleted.

Feel free to drop a private message to anyone you please. I would be interested in knowing myself........jackie
Jackie: I agree with what you say, but why respect a man who has no respect for himself. The man being taken for a ride is my son. I don't care who you are , who you think you are, and you can be a crook. You just can't be a crook around me.
Inform them that should they not refund the " restocking fee" U would be happy to post their name and your experience on this forum
fx77 you should reread Jackie's post.
As he said if the name of the business is posted the thread will be deleted.
Not trying to start anything here. I was very frustrated, I've spent thousands over the years with this individual and would think that is worth something. Obviously it is not. That's the way he goes to business so I will respect that. I will not respect the man or his business practices. With today's technology he knows what his customers spend. Everybody has a price on their integrity and I guess his is $57.00 dollars. Mines not for sale!
Johnse, there is an old saying that there are those that no the price of everything, but the value of nothing.

The value of a good customer obviously alludes many........jackie
Before everybody decides to "burn the witch" ( "how do you know she's a witch?", "because she looks like one" { Monty Python}) It might be wise to consider that there is probably another side to this story.