AR-15 bench rest load at 100 and 200 yards

the original thread was about BENCHREST COMPETITION...tho it was with the lowly black rifle.
as this is a benchrest belongs here.

so i answered his questions, and did not redirect it to the hybrid/factory forum.
generic loading questions about loading would have been redirected.

plain and simple......

mike in co
like a child you continue, and not read what is in front of you.
what was the winning 100yd ag for lv or hv ?....the facts come back to bite you in the butt.......
two..i did post that i hope the 6 beggs will be shot at a registered match.
see you do not make the rules, you do not tell me what to do. i dont care about your demands.
so here is the inverse of your statements. you are a poser..why because i do not see your name nor your results in my published results.....
now do you see just how stupid you are.
yes i did let my membership lapse...the progress was slow with these guns, so it made no sense, but now that my 1000 yd br rifle is in the works, i will have to renew.
and yes the rest of the bench rest world is watching you make a fool of yourself...keep it up.
before you step in deeper, ask mr robinette what he thinks on my ar10 and his bullets. he has seen the results, but then its posted here...but thats not good enough for you...
mike in co


You are a class act buddy. Personal attacks and hostility are truly the childs manner and you ought to take a look in the mirror before you accuse someone else of it.

I called your bluff. Get over it.
I exposed what you are. Deal with it.
I am a registered competitor with no excuses and you are not. It's that simple.

You can't expect to come on here and tell real benchrest shooters that you have an AR15 that "AGGS IN THE TEENS" and think you're going to get away with it. Put your money where your mouth is! I only hope your money is as big as your mouth.

And my offer still stands. I'll give you a chance to prove your phoney bologna story AGAIN. That's right everyone. I said AGAIN. You see, I made this offer to our little buddy Mike a year ago and guess what........HE NEVER SHOWED UP! TWICE! It would seem that I've struck a nerve calling this spade a spade and his hostility and childish manner are proving it for all to see!

Frankly, Mike you would be better served posting at 24 campfire or perhaps the Little REd At least you would be among your peers there. For the life of me, I can't figure out why someone who has no experience and is uninitiated in competition as you are would come on a site such as this and parade around like you are a registered competitor and give advice from such a platform. You are a FRAUD and should be ashamed of yourself.

Now let's see what other BS you can come up with to keep me laughing!:D

Ps. Tom Guisewhite shot a .2692 agg in the LV100 on Saturday to WIN the agg so a .25 agg would have won easily. Bruce Black shot a .2608 for the HV100 win. In Tacoma, a .2500 agg would not be good at all and in Okie or Springville, a .250 would be fantastic. It all depends on the range and conditions. Of course had you ACTUALLY been a competitor and travelled around to compete, you would have known this. Look at all this free education you're getting!
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it should go in the BRC Celebrity Death Match forum.


This would be a great idea. Only one problem though. You have to be a competitive benchrest shooter to get in the ring so Mike would not pass the weigh in.;)
If a guy didn't know better, the way folks around here carry on you might give the idea they are liberal democrats.:eek:

Would it be fair to give the original poster information if you have something to add.

Maybe a PM would be a better way to carry on a dog fight?:D

Could it be, that we all have heard these kind of back and forth before?
If a guy didn't know better, the way folks around here carry on you might give the idea they are liberal democrats.:eek:

Would it be fair to give the original poster information if you have something to add.

Maybe a PM would be a better way to carry on a dog fight?:D

Could it be, that we all have heard these kind of back and forth before?

Al, there really is no back and forth here. It's simply a matter of someone trying to get away with a lie and someone who knows better called them on it. Anything after that is rhetoric.

I know for a fact now that there are many people who were thinking the same thing as I was. It's just that I wasn't swallowing it and spoke up. I can only take so much hogwash before I have to tell someone to put up or shut up.
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you have called me a liar and you have no proof, just your own narrow minded OPINIONS.
you owe me an apology, grow up and be a man.
but what most people have missed is that this is a personal attack by you brought on by loosing the last discussion with me.
you have no class, poor skills, you just lie about facts.
you did not call my bluff, because i never cliamed i shot the rifle in anything other than local club matches.
i have spent years and thousands of dollars advancing the ar15 benchrest abilities, i do not need a stupid, whiny, spoilied little brat calling me a liar.

so , let me ask you when was the last time you posted some thing positive, gave back to the sport on this forum, or is it since you are only a "good grouper" and cannot get ahead, you must attack others ?
what are you doing on this thread >>>> whinner ???
be positive or go away, add something or go away, quit wasting wilburs bandwidth.

go away and let progess pass you by.

mike in co
you have called me a liar and you have no proof, just your own narrow minded OPINIONS.
you owe me an apology, grow up and be a man.
but what most people have missed is that this is a personal attack by you brought on by loosing the last discussion with me.
you have no class, poor skills, you just lie about facts.
you did not call my bluff, because i never cliamed i shot the rifle in anything other than local club matches.
i have spent years and thousands of dollars advancing the ar15 benchrest abilities, i do not need a stupid, whiny, spoilied little brat calling me a liar.

so , let me ask you when was the last time you posted some thing positive, gave back to the sport on this forum, or is it since you are only a "good grouper" and cannot get ahead, you must attack others ?
what are you doing on this thread >>>> whinner ???
be positive or go away, add something or go away, quit wasting wilburs bandwidth.

go away and let progess pass you by.

mike in co

I think everyone can now see quite easily who's the immature responder now. Thanks Mike for proving my point.

It must be nice living in your own little world. Maybe I'll come visit you when I need a break from reality.

In the mean time, keep posting your dribble and making real shooters laugh.

And remember, the match is October 3rd and 4th not more than a few hours from your house and I will be reporting here whether or not you had the balls to show up and show us your lies. Have a great day in never never land!
bye bye little boy.
you are right...we can all see the truth about YOU now. nothing positive, nothing substantial.
inability to use the search have been a member since jan 2007...and i have been working on these rifles for 4 years before you ever showed up.
see, you can say what you want, but the members that have been here know the truth. none of your whinnig changes the facts.
so just go away.......

progress marches on...goood grouper marches backwards.......close your eyes and calim..."only i know the real truth"

mike in co
Let me add...

i have spent years and thousands of dollars advancing the ar15 benchrest abilities, i do not need a stupid, whiny, spoilied little brat calling me a liar. mike in co

Can't for the life of me, after reading your posts, understand why you don't take that wonderful AR, .19ag rifle, and enter into service rifle competition. You should make "Distiguished Rifleman" in a few months. Hell, the "X" ring on the 200yd target is two inches in diameter. Mere child's play for your rifle.

But...don't show an example of your grammar on the entry forms. They might make you have two witnesses for your X mark.

Good luck with improving the AR15 world....virg
so just go away.......

mike in co

You'd like that wouldn't you? No one to question your BS and call you on it.


Quit your blabbering and SHOW me your superman shooting ability with your little black gun. I don't care if you have been working on your little project 4 or 400 years. It doesn't prove anything nor does it change the fact that your not selling your bs to real shooters and you haven't shot a registered match with that gun.

Look, since you seem to be a little dense and have selective reading problems, I'll put this as simple as I can:

SHOW ME!!!!!!!!!! If it's for real, what's the problem???????????
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Can't for the life of me, after reading your posts, understand why you don't take that wonderful AR, .19ag rifle, and enter into service rifle competition. virg


The answer to that question should be obvious!:)
Can't for the life of me, after reading your posts, understand why you don't take that wonderful AR, .19ag rifle, and enter into service rifle competition. You should make "Distiguished Rifleman" in a few months. Hell, the "X" ring on the 200yd target is two inches in diameter. Mere child's play for your rifle.

But...don't show an example of your grammar on the entry forms. They might make you have two witnesses for your X mark.

Good luck with improving the AR15 world....virg

thanks for the suggestion....i have shot in service of the reasons i switched to benchrest....i actually have a ranking...what is the bottom ???

i did shoot the gun in a CLUB service rifle, scoped match. they actually changed the rules AFTER they saw my target. it was a large target in br terms, 200 yds..200-17x( that was the rule change, three of my shots cut the line on x, they changed the rule to full contact, no lines) one at the club has ever come close to the 17x, and i retired that rifle from that match.
mike in co
ps i see that the mouth has posted again, but as an adult, i have put it on my ignore list, and thank gawd, i no longer have to waste my time with his whinning.
i certainly hope the orginal poster gets to try aa2230 and some 52/53 match bullets.
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i think it would be appropriate for management to delete posts:
16,17,18,19,20,24,25,28,29,30,31,33 and 34, as these added nothing to the original question.
get back on topic.

mike in co
Agree on the post deletions.

What primers? They are starting to get easier to find. I get a lot recommendations for Wolf magnum. The reasoning I read is that they are same as regular but have a hard cup.

I am of the belief you have to experiment with different primers to get the best load. I have the Fed 205, but am seeing the Rem 7.5, WSR and 205M's around. Haven't seen much of the CCI stuff lately.
Agree on the post deletions.

What primers? They are starting to get easier to find. I get a lot recommendations for Wolf magnum. The reasoning I read is that they are same as regular but have a hard cup.

I am of the belief you have to experiment with different primers to get the best load. I have the Fed 205, but am seeing the Rem 7.5, WSR and 205M's around. Haven't seen much of the CCI stuff lately.

i use cci br, fed match and wofl sr223.
mike in co
i think it would be appropriate for management to delete posts:
16,17,18,19,20,24,25,28,29,30,31,33 and 34, as these added nothing to the original question.
get back on topic.

mike in co

I know how much you'd like to cover your tracks by deleting this whole thread so your bluff won't be seen but it's too late. Judging by the emails I've recieved and the view count, there are many, many people who saw it and I for one won't forget your lies. And if you persist in trying to pass off your bull here anymore, rest assured, I WILL call you on it. You see, the only way you're going to get out of this is to show up at a real shoot and prove what you say. But judging by your character (or lack thereof) I bet you aren't concerned with clearing your name.