April UNL match Phx, Az

April 6th and 7th 2019 BEN AVERY SHOOTING FACILITY – Phoenix Arizona
It was Dana Andrus’s weekend.

The last match of the 2018-19 benchrest shooting season at Ben Avery, Phx was a 5 shot unlimited all weekend long, 2 Grands. The match practice days Thursday the 4th and Friday the 5th were not that conducive to testing for your tune. If you wanted to shoot some small groups you had to work very hard and have a lot of patience. Temps ranged from the high 60’s to low 90’s. Winds varied in direction and intensity. At one point I fired a shot in a cross wind to see how far it drifted; over an inch at 100 yards.

First aggregate Saturday morning was 100 yards. Shooting with us at Ben Avery on occasion and winning the yardage was Brad Jensen out of Sandy Utah. Brad’s aggregate was a very nice .1578. Brad used a Young Rail; his load was 29.5 of a Norma powder blend. It also happens that Brad was the only shooter to shoot a zero group. He won the second match with a .099, small group for the yardage. Thirty shooters and nearly 25 rails and only one zero; conditions were tricky. In second place was Bob Brackney with a .1862, third place was Dana Andrus shooting a .1976. Those 3 shooters were the only one aggs fired in this aggregate.

We took a break for lunch and then shot the second 100 yard aggregate for the day. Winning this agg was Dan Sutton with a .1992. At this point I have to point out that Dan finished last in the morning’s agg. I’m sure many of you heard the saying no good deed goes un-punished. First match Saturday morning Dan spent some of his match time trying to help a shooter get on paper. He then realized he needs to shoot his group and did; a decent .208; problem, he was on the wrong target, thus ending up with a 5.208 group and finishing last in the aggregate. It’s not often a shooter finishes last in the morning and first in the afternoon on the same day. In second place was Dana Andrus with a .2020 and third place went to Dave Blazzard with a .2064. Small group for the yardage went to Jim Folwell with a great .062 fired in match #5. Again as in the morning that was the only zero group shot. In fact there were only 4 ones shot in match 5 when Jim shot his small group.

Sunday am. we shot the first of the two aggregates at 200 yards. Just prior to the start of the match the early morning north wind off the mountain started to die down and the wind conditions became readable. Gary Ocock won the yardage with a .1789. In second place was Wayne Christian shooting a .1893. Wayne also shot small group for the yardage in match #2, shooting a .189. In third place was Justin Young shooting a .1936. Honorable mention goes to High Schooler Tony DeBacco in forth place shooting a .1962.

The second aggregate at 200 was won by Dana Andrus with a .1744. Dana shot 3 two’s. He got a little sloppy and shot a 6 in match 4 but he still beat second place shooter Dan Sutton by .050 for the aggregate win. Dan’s aggregate was a .2251. In third place was Camron Snow shooting a .2425. Small group for the aggregate was a .151 shot by Mike Sosenko in match #1.

Grand aggregate #1 Grand Aggregate #2 UNL 2-Grands

1. Dave Blazzard .2016 1. Dana Andrus .1860 1. Dana Andrus .2022
2. Gary Ocock .2125 2. Bob Brackney .2189 2. Gary Ocock .2224
3. Dana Andrus .2184 3. Mike Sosenko .2288 3. Bob Brackney .2236
4. Tony DeBacco .2244 4. Gary Ocock .2322 4. Mike Sosenko .2379
5. Bob Brackney .2282 5. Camron Snow .2517 5. Tony DeBacco .2409

Match Reporter
Gary Ocock


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Rest of the Story


Your narrative of the match is terrific. Your side notes are as much fun as the scores and the names of the winners. Where are the individual match scores listing the competitors and what they shot? Is there some reason they are not available?


Your narrative of the match is terrific. Your side notes are as much fun as the scores and the names of the winners. Where are the individual match scores listing the competitors and what they shot? Is there some reason they are not available?


Yes I've been busy with other s--t :cool:

See attached


  • 2019-Apr-Unl5-100-yd-1.pdf
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  • 2019-Apr-Unl5-100-yd-2.pdf
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  • 2019-Apr-Unl5-200-yd-1.pdf
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  • 2019-Apr-Unl5-200-2.pdf
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  • 2019-Apr-2-Gun-Agg.pdf
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