April 19,1995

Chism G

Active member

At 9:02 a.m. on April 19,1995, a powerful explosion ripped through the North side of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City,Oklahoma.

Five of my former co-workers/employees were among the 168 men,women and children who died that day.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of this tragic event and the great loss to the Nation.

On the morning of the explosion,I was assigned to a team of responders. We traveled from Dallas,Tx to the horrid Bomb site,in Oklahoma City.

I share this post today in memory of the victims of this attack and to recognize the continuing impact on the family, friends and colleagues they left behind.

RIP Shelly, Rona, Carrol, Carrie and Ken.

The onsite memorial was cancelled this year, due to Public health concerns.


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