Anyone know status of Robertson Composites

Yes, the company went bankrupt last year and through the Canadian courts a Court order authorizing a sale to a American (montana) was made, the ASSESTS were taken to the USA where a manufacturing facility has been set up. The new Owners are testing new materials, building new molds, getting everything up and running, having said that it may well be the first of the year or this coming spring before stocks are sent out for purchase. Hang in there, when they are ready there will be an announcement I am sure.

Any new info on these stocks

Does anyone have any updated information on the availibility on Robertson BR stocks?
"building new molds"

Yes, the company went bankrupt last year and through the Canadian courts a Court order authorizing a sale to a American (montana) was made, the ASSESTS were taken to the USA where a manufacturing facility has been set up. The new Owners are testing new materials, building new molds, getting everything up and running, having said that it may well be the first of the year or this coming spring before stocks are sent out for purchase. Hang in there, when they are ready there will be an announcement I am sure.


When you say the new owners are "building new moulds" are they designing a new stock or will the BRX and the JTR be the only stock designs available...

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