anyone get their $1200 today ? 4/15/2020

For those receiving stimulus money, do some real good with it.

Spend it at a local 'Mom and Pop' retailer or another individual owned business. Drive through a local coffee shop, even when you can make a cup at home. Be obscenely generous with the tip. Buy a few barrels, a new action, some bullets, support your local gun shop, etc, etc. :) -Al

Jeez Al how much did you get you must have a whole mess of kids with a shopping list like that....
Well'p..... I learned my asset forfeiture law in Minn'DeSoda many yrs ago, hence my viewpoint.

Turns out New Mexico is still perty much like I remember the law being in my yout', MN is still very highly rated in that the cops can't spend it ever and that for it even to go into the general fund it must be all settled out in court etc.

And from there there are all sorts of levels and steps down to and including states like TX where it's basically 'Treasure' as in "you bust it, you spend it!"

And people wonder why I scoff at "laws"


Ouch, that's pretty sad! I didn't know they'd made it legal to keep confiscation

My authority was under Federal statue Title 21USC 881.

This statue is applicable in all 50 States. It trumps any State seizure statue.

It was on the books when I was hired on in 1969.

My authority was under Federal statue Title 21USC 881.

This statue is applicable in all 50 States. It trumps any State seizure statue.

It was on the books when I was hired on in 1969.


My authority was, "I worked in a gunstore and my boss was a sergeant of the local PD" LOL..... in other words, I got NUTTIN!...... except hearsay from working alongside the officers who were my friends.

I was wrong, shoulda' not opined in this case.

I guess the cops get to take the money and buy stuff with it.
I guess the cops get to take the money and buy stuff with it.[/QUOTE]

Its right there in the statue.

Jeez Al how much did you get you must have a whole mess of kids with a shopping list like that.... kiddos here. All are grown and have have families of their own. :cool: On one hand, it would be nice to have gotten a big 'stimulus' check. On the other hand, I'm glad I didn't. ;)

Hope all is well with you! -Al
it cost the us gov'nt nothing
the fed reserve banks PAY FOR THE PRINTED PAPER.
the fed reserve banks are PRIVATE COPORATIONS that make tons of money in interest by handling us currency.
paid no income taxes since day one(1919/1923 aprox) a couple years ago this was pointed out in congress.

I wonder how much it costs the Government to print those Yuge stacks of bills that the drug lords have.
based on what information.
I a in this group and still nothing.
my reg ssa payment was deposited...nothing else.
If you get SS your stimulus payment will go into the account that your SS does and likely be the last group to get served probably on Fri the 24th. Mine went into my tax refund account [different bank] a few days ago.
that would be the big difference in a
US NOTE (currently circulated paper currency)
and a
silver certificate , currency with backing of pre 64.

BTW, Glenn may have a different opinion but IMO "taking those stacks of bills out of circulation" by shredding them, burning or otherwise destroying them costs us nothing more than the payment to the guys who do the disposal work.

"Money" has no intrinsic value, it's just a way of keeping score...... no different than writing an IOU on a piece of paper
For those receiving stimulus money, do some real good with it.

Spend it at a local 'Mom and Pop' retailer or another individual owned business. Drive through a local coffee shop, even when you can make a cup at home. Be obscenely generous with the tip. Buy a few barrels, a new action, some bullets, support your local gun shop, etc, etc. :) -Al

Yea! What Dave said.
Last Sat. I tried to visit the Mom and Pop restaurant. Coney Shop Closed. Nick and Julie had been their for 30 yrs. Gone.
So I tried Burrito Express. Small family taco shop. Really good food. Like Taco Shops in San Diego. Closed.
So I drive down the road. Ok let's try Penn Station. Closed.....
Ouch, that's pretty sad! I didn't know they'd made it legal to keep confiscation

Detroit and Wayne County MI are run this way. Piss off a cop, just the slightest. Your ride is gone. Go to court(don't ever show up in court in MI without a lawyer. That pisses of the Judge right away. You are done.), 3 mos later the cops already sold your ride.
They use that trick with the dog. Dog sniffs money, cop yanks on leash, it's drug money. You are lucky to get out alive....
Huge story in Detroit News. I just realized, a few top cops in Wayne County have the Wuhan flu or died....Guess, that's how the News made this come out....and no State Legislature has any change the law.
If the check shows up here I'm going to rebarrel my 722. It used to shoot lights out but has gotten pretty tired over the last 60 years.

so in spite all their talk about direct deposit, ssa people, bank accounts with direct deposit data.....I got a paper check today.
I guess this is stimulus for the printing office and the post office also.
thanks fellow tax payers
My older tower computer died a few days ago.
Trump money came just in time to replace it.

The thing I miss is Windows 7.
Might buy a laptop and clone the old computer onto that.

The old one was backed up on CARBONITE.
My older tower computer died a few days ago.
Trump money came just in time to replace it.

The thing I miss is Windows 7.
Might buy a laptop and clone the old computer onto that.

The old one was backed up on CARBONITE.

I had just bought my win 7 comp. when they came out with Win 10.
On the advice of my brother and checking with others. I switched. Just to make sure.
It had some bugs.....The blue screen of death stopped after last update....Only took MS 5 yrs.
And you can set it up real close to win 7.
My brother is using the touch screen stuff. My Uncle, he has the win 10 update version. I can never find stuff on there. It takes a few minutes to remember.......