Anschutz Barrel Tuner



Hi Team,

I have an Anschutz BR Rifle with a 1913 Action and a full lenght Super Match Barrel.It is fitted with a 45 x Leupold . I have had this rifle for about 12 months and up till now I have done very well with it. However I have stepped up a level in competition and its apparent that if I wish to continue to do well I need a barrel tuner.

I have seen a number of them over the years and I don't favour the "bloop tube" style. Too much cleaning required, so any recommendations ?
I use a Harrells and am happy with it, but, call Dan Killough and talk with him. He will lead you in the right direction.
Export rules are crazy in the US curently. Maybe they will get better in the future. On the Benchrest Bulletin website right now there is a thread started by someone that has figured out how to get merchandise out of the US. I'd go through him if I were you.
Thanks for those reply's, I asked the same question on a Australian benchrest website and received nothing. I do have a nephew currently living in the US and I am aware of the difficulties of getting stuff out of the US. All your government is doing is denying American retailers money.
I put a tuner on a 2013. I turned the barrel to a slightly smaller diameter and installed a Harrel's tuner.
I put a tuner on a 2013. I turned the barrel to a slightly smaller diameter and installed a Harrel's tuner.

My shooting buddy made a sleeve to go over the bbl and then attached the tuner to the sleeve. No need to alter the factory bbl and choke.

I had the same barrel and since the end is larger than 1" the Harrell/Hoehn tuners could not be bored large enough. So unless something has changed you will need to go to which is who I went to for a tuner for that barrel.

;) I have a Fudd Stand and Top and years ago I had a Fudd Tuner on a much older Anschutz. But I note the website hasn't been updated since 2008, is he still in business ?