Another Benchrest Worrier has passed away - Dennis Tinkham


Born to be FREE!!!
Rest in Peace Dennis

I will never forget setting flags at South Creek Gillette PA.

Everyone was done except for Tinky and I.
Most competitors were sitting on the line and watching us (me in the field) while everyone was enjoying their evening beverage of choice.
I think we were the laughingstock of the day for setting the 200 yards flags for the next day.

Another time was when we were setting flags at the Super Shoot and Dennis and I being South Paws, and Bart Sauter was setting to the right of us, Dennis told Bart he is encroaching on our South paws side of the bench.
Maybe Bart will chime in and finish the story.

RIP Dennis - We'll all miss you!

PS. Keep your eyes on the mirrors!!
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He certainly was a piece of work and I gave him "the business " at every opportunity. You had to admire his desire to continue shooting after losing his eye. How he could shoot with those mirrors on the bench was beyond me.

RIP Tink.

RIP Dennis - We'll all miss you!

PS. Keep your eyes on the mirrors!!
I'll always remember meeting Dennis (at the Super Shoot or the E-W Shootout) and talking with him about his mirrors; they were motorcycle mirrors that he had mounted on his rest.
I remember my first Super Shoot 2009. I helped with wind flags and all that. Russell, Dennis, and a couple of others. At the end of the last day just Russell and myself.
Dennis was quite the character. Everything just perfect. Or so he said...That's till the wind blows....
Oh, And I started on bench 2 for the warm up. Jack Neary on bench 1. We get all set up to shoot. Sit down and make adjustments to front rest. I swear those benches are off by 2 seats. Anyway we are sitting and listening to Ian. And Jack says "Tim I didn't know you were left handed". I looked down range and all the flags were out of alignment. I guess, the bench 3 guy could use them.
Never did find out who stuck me on a lefty bench.
Next year, I got stuck on Joe Krupa's relay. Except Joe was recalled to work. So no wind flags....
Bob Jr. worked out some deals. So we had a few flags....
He certainly was a piece of work and I gave him "the business " at every opportunity. You had to admire his desire to continue shooting after losing his eye. How he could shoot with those mirrors on the bench was beyond me.

RIP Tink.

I keep pushing on Dennis to shot. I told him a story about a well driller (I knew) used to use 2 mirrors to reflect the sun from one mirror to the other mirror to reflect the light down some very deep wells.
His chin lifted up; his eye's got big then he started to scratch his head.
Setting flags with Dennis was ALWAYS a painful experience. I did it a number of times at the Super Shoot and also St Louis. I always told myself to just get it done and help the old man out. LOL.
I did manage to extract some revenge because I had a couple of packages of Jeff Fowler’s bullets that Dennis loved. I strung him along for a couple of years before I sold them to him. I miss him.