Announcing fund raising event for US World Team

Elisabeth Reed, wife of Michigan shooter Greg Reed and Barbara Hottenstein, wife of Michigan shooter Lowell Hottenstein have gotten together along with many other wives (The Sea to Sea Red Hatters of Benchrest) and have put together a cookbook to sell with all proceeds going to benefit the World Team.

It will be unique to the Benchrest World as it will contain lots of recipes, info from previous World shoots and pictures of various ranges and many other benchrest pictures. They are in need of two things: one they need a sponsor to help pay the costs of publishing the cookbook and they desperately need pictures from all across the USA (we will publish as many as space permits). This cookbook will be in a binder where additions to both recipes and pictures can be added in later years.

The cookbook will be approximately 50 double sided pages at the cost of $1320.00 for 150 copies. This includes the binders. To print the cookbooks in color the cost will be approximately $1800.00. Elisabeth has a breakdown of individual costs if requested. Each cookbook will be sold at a cost of $20.00.

Sponsor recognition will be included in each cookbook and will also be included in the list of World Team sponsors.

Please consider helping these ladies in their mission. Should you have questions or need additional information, please contact Elisabeth Reed at email: or call at (517)569-2989.

Wayne Campbell

NBRSA International Representative
Oh, blast. You've wandered close to my area of expertise. The costs sound a bit high, esp. if you use printers that offer short-run or print-on-demand printing. I don't mean the local Kinkos, but companies that work for, say, Yale University Press, Johns Hopkins University Press, that sort of thing. A lot depends on just how fancy a binding you want.

And, I'm a typesetter, who can prepare a PDF file for such a printer, to their specification, either black & white, or color if I twist my partner's arm.

So if you want my help in production, I will if I can offer anything. It would mean more money for the team.

If you want to check bona fides, I don't work with the University of Michigan, but Wayne could call the University of Virginia Press. The design & production manager there is Martha Farlow.
It's 1:40 am here, and I'm working on the cover art.

Elisabeth told me I had to make something "nice."
I'll put my order in for a cook where do I send the money.

I also have some photos from WBC6 WBC8 and WBC9, I can bun these onto cd and send to where ever needed.

Ian Owen
Jerry, don't worry - they'll have a recipe for 'possum in 'em...

Thank you for your responses.

Please send pictures, info, donations etc to:

US World Benchrest Shooting Team
264 Benchrest Ln.
Concord, VA 24538

We are in the process of putting together and making available the accounting system on our new blog page on the NBRSA site. Anyone will be able to look at any time to see a complete list of incoming as well as outgoing monies. Donations will be charted and published as long as the donor agrees.

Jeff Stover has agreed to help start the unenviable task of soliciting sponsors. Any and all help would be appreciated.
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Cookbook availability

Unfortunately they will not be ready at the IBS Nationals. As soon as they are ready, notice will be posted on both Benchrest Central and the World Team page. They will be sold at the NBRSA Nationals or can be ordered by mail at the cost of $20.00 plus shipping.