Ammo question



I am loking to you benchrest guys for a little help. I know that every gun shoots ammo a little different. My question is, if a certain lot of shells shoots lights out in one gun will it shoot well in other guns that like that same brand of ammo. Is a good lot a consistant lot? Or is it possible that a lot in the same brand shoot 1/4" groups in say an annie and 1/2" groups in a Cooper if they both shoot that brand well? Hope my question makes sense.
What shoots good in one, maynot shoot well in another. I have a lot that shoots in my suhl 0.169 ave. and 0.266 in my hall.
The reason I am saking is i have about 4-5 lots of ammo and it shoots real bad in my Cooper. Like 1/2" groups and ever now and the I get a .25 or .3's group. My buddy shoots it in his annie and gets .3's groups all the time with it. Trying to figure out if it is gun, ammo, or me. I changed my scope and it made no change. I had a Sightron 36x and went to a Leupold 45X.
Have your buddy shoot your gun. That will remove one of the possibilities.
This is what is happening. Most of my groups are 3 in one whole and 2 in another about 1/4" to 3/" apart. Every now and then I will get a sub .3's of an inch group. Sometimes it will shoot 4 in the teens and thow one 1/2" away. I know we have bad days but it has been shooting this way for about six months. I had to take the action out of the stock when this started. I also started shooting this ammo at the same time too. I have changed and tried various torque settings but nothing has changed. So that is why I ask could ammo cause these groups if it the same lot shoots good in someone elses gun? I think it could be the action is torqued but I don't know. Any advice would help.
Your rifle is throwing those shots. Too many lots involved and you buddy's rifle shoots them all better than your rifle. Save yourself some time and money and find a good rimfire gunsmith that knows Coopers. He'll fix it for you.
I hope you have a Tuner ,sounds out of tune bad, I have a couple of Coopers but I don`t waste ammo trying to make them compete, they just don`t& won`t! When I first got my model 36 with a jewel trigger I thought it was gonna be the cats meow,nope! Then I got a repeater 57M ,Nope -Then a TRP ,Nope,Still have all 3 ,I had Roger Brock build me a Suhl with a Broughton 5C that was 4 years ago thank god and man did I see the light, your competitors really like to see you and your Cooper at a match. Don`t get discouraged just get some competitive equipment,your buddy loves to see you coming! Maybe I`m too Black & White ,but it is what it is!
Maybe I should have told you. We shoot in A factory sporter rifle match with our guns. All stock,no tuners, 1 piece rests ext. and the barrel has to be smaller than a dime. I had Leroy Berry at Canyon Creek make this stock and bed it. So I would say it is bedded right. When I got it back the first shoot I shot a 246 12x on one card and the next shoot I shot a 249 10x with it. So we are not talking apples to apples as far as comparing our rifles. So it in my opinion 1 of 3 things-ammo, action or screws not set right or me. That is why I ask if it could be ammo. I'm leaning more towards the action but hell it could be me.
My Win 52 throws a shot high, if I wait too long between shots, like waiting for a condition to return. I need to remember to dump that shot into the sighter, if it's in the barrel longer than a minute or two.
Clean with a brush, then isso the chamber real good, 1 wet and a couple dry patches and see if your accuracy comes back.
I order a few test lots and shot them today. Each horizonal rowe is a different lot. I think the gun is just fine as long as I do my part. The new ammo seems to be shooting better. I think I just have some bad lots for my gun. I ordered some more....I guess I will see.