Ammo cost



In late 2007 I purchased a case of SK Standard Plus for 270.00.
Current price is 445.00. Thats a 65% increase.
UPS shipping was 19.36.Current UPS shipping is 46.20.Thats a 139% increase.
In 2008 Eley black box was 9.75.
Today its 11.99.Thats a 23% increase.
Looks like Eley is a bargain.
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UPS, The Evil Empire?

In late 2007 I purchased a case of SK Standard Plus for 270.00.
Current price is 445.00. Thats a 65% increase.
UPS shipping was 19.36.Current UPS shipping is 46.20.Thats a 139% increase.
In 2008 Eley black box was 9.75.
Today its 11.99.Thats a 23% increase.
Looks like Eley is a bargain.

I avoid using UPS and only use them if I absolutely can't find any other way to either ship or receive things. They have a horrendous track record for "Lost Items" and Broken up packages, not to mention their exorbitant rates. As I recall, they were the first to bring us HAZMAT charges. Nothing changed in the way they deliver HAZMAT items, just the rediculous charge and why? Because they CAN. I have avoided them as much as I can since then. I am all for boycotting them. Use Fedex and USPS. Perhaps it woud help to save USPS if we did.
I avoid using UPS and only use them if I absolutely can't find any other way to either ship or receive things. They have a horrendous track record for "Lost Items" and Broken up packages, not to mention their exorbitant rates. As I recall, they were the first to bring us HAZMAT charges. Nothing changed in the way they deliver HAZMAT items, just the rediculous charge and why? Because they CAN. I have avoided them as much as I can since then. I am all for boycotting them. Use Fedex and USPS. Perhaps it woud help to save USPS if we did.
Pete I average about 1500 a month shipping charges my average package is 2 pounds now you can figure at about 7 bucks a package that is a fair amount of packages, in the last 14 years I havent had ONE lost package, I havent had ONE broken item, and I totally agree about the prices, I use UPS.I used USPS for about a year and had several lost and several broken items, so I dont agree with you about UPS at all.Now as for the hazmat that is a government reg so you cant blame the shipping co. blame the government.
Pete I average about 1500 a month shipping charges my average package is 2 pounds now you can figure at about 7 bucks a package that is a fair amount of packages, in the last 14 years I havent had ONE lost package, I havent had ONE broken item, and I totally agree about the prices, I use UPS.I used USPS for about a year and had several lost and several broken items, so I dont agree with you about UPS at all.Now as for the hazmat that is a government reg so you cant blame the shipping co. blame the government.


Everyone's experience is what it is. Recently, The CF Smith I use sent a newly chambered barrel to a shooting friend. The barrel was shipped in a thick tube with wooden ends stapled closed and taped. The tube arrived opened and empty. I know of a rifle that was shipped recently and arrived with a broken stock, it having been shipped in a hard case and proper packaging. I could go on.

I don't see any good reason for the shipping rates of UPS or any of the other to increase so far beyond that of other things we buy except we pay them. Well, I don't pay UPS if I can help it. Most often now when one buys a small item, the shipping is as much and sometimes more than the item itself. Should we quit buying things from Vendors? I think twice or more now about what I use to do freely, buy small things often from either big vendors or small makers trying to get a start. It wasn't that long ago one could often get free shipping from the Shooting Supply vendors. In my opinion, the cost of Shipping is hurting everyone, especially the "Small Guy" and I refuse to acept it as being acceptable. I am quite sure I am not the only person in this mind set.

I must admit, I am ignorant regarding the Hazmat Charge. I don't know who receives the money for it. I have believed that UPS did but I don't know who does. If they do receive the money, they don't have to charge it as there is nothing different in the way they handle that merchandise, from what I have seen. Because they were the first to charge it, in my experience, I have always believed it was they who benefited from it.


We seem to be at odds on a number of things, which I don't mind. I think people having different views of anything and discussing them is healthy and a good thing. If everybody agreed on everything life would be very boring, for me at least.
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Pete I would like to know where you get you information about UPS having a horrendous record for lost packages and damaged packages? Have you read where Fedex has a better track record? Also are you in favor of bailing out the USPS? The only reason USPS is cheaper than UPS or FEDEX is because they offset the price of the stamp to cover their loses on the packages. If that were UPS or FEDEX doing that, the Government would sue both.
With the bad economy, bad management and the new age of email is why the USPS is in such sad shape. 46.20 is a bargain to me, for it would cost way more in gas and time to drive and pick the package up. HAZ MAT is your US government making money off you, UPS, and FEDX.

Everyone's experience is what it is. Recently, The CF Smith I use sent a newly chambered barrel to a shooting friend. The barrel was shipped in a thick tube with wooden ends stapled closed and taped. The tube arrived opened and empty. I know of a rifle that was shipped recently and arrived with a broken stock, it having been shipped in a hard case and proper packaging. I could go on.

I don't see any good reason for the shipping rates of UPS or any of the other to increase so far beyond that of other things we buy except we pay them. Well, I don't pay UPS if I can help it. Most often now when one buys a small item, the shipping is as much and sometimes more than the item itself. Should we quit buying things from Vendors? I think twice or more now about what I use to do freely, buy small things often from either big vendors or small makers trying to get a start. It wasn't that long ago one could often get free shipping from the Shooting Supply vendors. In my opinion, the cost of Shipping is hurting everyone, especially the "Small Guy" and I refuse to acept it as being acceptable. I am quite sure I am not the only person in this mind set.

I must admit, I am ignorant regarding the Hazmat Charge. I don't know who receives the money for it. I have believed that UPS did but I don't know who does. If they do receive the money, they don't have to charge it as there is nothing different in the way they handle that merchandise, from what I have seen. Because they were the first to charge it, in my experience, I have always believed it was they who benefited from it.


We seem to be at odds on a number of things, which I don't mind. I think people having different views of anything and discussing them is healthy and a good thing. If everybody agreed on everything life would be very boring, for me at least.

I am not disagreeing with you Pete I was correcting your wrong insinuation about the hazmat charges, the government charges UPS and every other courier a surcharge for hazmat, it costs them more in paperwork.Also it is a fact in the last 14 years of service I havent had one single item damaged or lost,Nothing personal towards you Pete I just didnt want anyone else to take what you were saying as a fact when it was not, they dont have a horrendous track record at all, and their rates are inline with fed-ex which is the only other viable shipper, like I said I have had terrible experiences with the post office, which doesnt mean they are terrible for everyone they just are for me, and I with a very substantial shipping demand have found UPS to be the best, your results may be different.Let the post office lose a package for you and see what kind of satisfaction you get from them, then talk to me about them.
I am not disagreeing with you Pete I was correcting your wrong insinuation about the hazmat charges, the government charges UPS and every other courier a surcharge for hazmat, it costs them more in paperwork.Also it is a fact in the last 14 years of service I havent had one single item damaged or lost,Nothing personal towards you Pete I just didnt want anyone else to take what you were saying as a fact when it was not, they dont have a horrendous track record at all, and their rates are inline with fed-ex which is the only other viable shipper, like I said I have had terrible experiences with the post office, which doesnt mean they are terrible for everyone they just are for me, and I with a very substantial shipping demand have found UPS to be the best, your results may be different.Let the post office lose a package for you and see what kind of satisfaction you get from them, then talk to me about them.

I guess it depends on one's experience. The local UPS office refused to send the last rifle I shipped so I had no choice. The young woman running the office flatly refused to accept it. USPS got the business. I probably have shipped 25 guns over the years via USPS and never once had one of them lost or damaged. Same for those I have received. I have never had anything lost in USPS. It wasn't my barrel that was stolen out of it's package @ UPS but I know it to be a fact that it happened.
I guess it depends on one's experience. The local UPS office refused to send the last rifle I shipped so I had no choice. The young woman running the office flatly refused to accept it. USPS got the business. I probably have shipped 25 guns over the years via USPS and never once had one of them lost or damaged. Same for those I have received. I have never had anything lost in USPS. It wasn't my barrel that was stolen out of it's package @ UPS but I know it to be a fact that it happened.

Whoever the person who refused your package should have been reported to the main office as that isnt cricket as the brits say.Seems you have a bad person in your UPS office and I wouldnt deal with that either but I would get a change made in that office with the amount of shipping I do(I think LOL)
there's UPS and there's UPS, ....... these places (storefronts) that call themselves The UPS Store are independently owned businesses, .... and these guys are restricted from shipping firearms. if you want to ship a firearm ups, you must go to a ups hub center. the nearest one to me is 20mi, the nearest ups store is 6mi, the usps is 2mi, i go to the usps, no questions asked, ever,...... thanks, douglas
there's UPS and there's UPS, ....... these places (storefronts) that call themselves The UPS Store are independently owned businesses, .... and these guys are restricted from shipping firearms. if you want to ship a firearm ups, you must go to a ups hub center. the nearest one to me is 20mi, the nearest ups store is 6mi, the usps is 2mi, i go to the usps, no questions asked, ever,...... thanks, douglas

The UPS Hub is 30 miles from me. I, for one, do not want to throw the Post Office away. Sure, there are lots of changes coming and the Post Office will look a lot different in the future. I noticed recently a partnership between FedEx and the Post Office on shipping. I don't remember what I bought but it was less to ship it via Fed EX and the post Office. It came quickly as well. I won't get into all the bad results with UPS I have had and know of over the years but I will say they are harldly White Knights, at least not in my book. I still will refuse to use them whenever I can avoid doing so.

I just Googled Hazmat Charges. I read there that the Shipping Company retains the HazMat charges. They mentioned one company that chooses not to charge the Hazmat charge. I always suspected these companies could choose not to levy the charge and I just read it in Black & White.
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I just Googled Hazmat Charges. I read there that the Shipping Company retains the HazMat charges. They mentioned one company that chooses not to charge the Hazmat charge. I always suspected these companies could choose not to levy the charge and I just read it in Black & White.


Large multi national corporations choosing not to screw their customers over for extra revenue by not charging additional fees. That'll be the day!
i just ordered a widgit online that cost 4.95, one vendor ships UPS for 11.98, the vendor I bought the item from ships USPS cost 3.50. thanks, douglas
I just Googled Hazmat Charges. I read there that the Shipping Company retains the HazMat charges. They mentioned one company that chooses not to charge the Hazmat charge. I always suspected these companies could choose not to levy the charge and I just read it in Black & White.

Did I say the government charges the companies a fee?NO, they require extra labor and paperwork for the companies to have to deal with hence they(the companies) charge a fee for the extra work and costs associated with the hazxmat regulations.I would expect the companies to keep these fees as it is the companies who are having to put extra work and paperwork into the shipping process the company who doesnt charge the fee probably uses it as a selling point and probably has it included into their normal fee.Do you think that when the government puts new regulations on a company that requires them to do additional labor and reporting that the company should have to absorb those costs?Next time you are on the google web try doing a search of the Hazmat government regulations, read them and maybe you will have an idea of what the shipping companies have to deal with.
May I ask what did you do for a living Pete?
Not the same, But I wanted to order a replacement screw-in eye piece lens cover for one of my Leupold scopes. The piece is $9.99 but shipping is about $15. The thing is light enough to ship with a first class stamp.. Maybe I don't need one
Not the same, But I wanted to order a replacement screw-in eye piece lens cover for one of my Leupold scopes. The piece is $9.99 but shipping is about $15. The thing is light enough to ship with a first class stamp.. Maybe I don't need one

That is the kind of thing that kills me when I want something and just cant make myself pay that much shipping.I guess a good rule would be if the shipping is more than the item I just dont need it, lol.