"A Whippin" At Oak Hills Gun Club

C.L. Peterson

Active member
"Whippin Results"

!00 Yard "Whippin Post"

1. Dave Coots--0.195
2. Jim Carstensen 0.2910
3. Dean Ekstrom 0.2950
4. Jerry King o.2966
5. Mike Bigelow 0.2992

200 Yard "Whippin Post"

1. Dave Coots 0.3043
2. Jerry King 0.3240
3. Jim Carstensen o.3448
4. Dean Ekstrom 0.3562
5. Bob Cotton 0.3572

Grand "Whippin Post"

1. Dave Coots 0.2497
2. Jerry King 0.3103
3. Jim Carstensen 0.3179
4. Dean Ekstrom 0.3256
5. Larry Rickertson o.3561

Congrats to the "Whipper" Dave Coots


Doc, I think running handicapped matches is an excellent way to promote interest with new shooters or restore confidence in old gear heads

Are you going to ask Dave to shoot all 5 next time?

the Coots handicap

Doc, I think running handicapped matches is an excellent way to promote interest with new shooters or restore confidence in old gear heads

Are you going to ask Dave to shoot all 5 next time?


Mark, having Dave Coots at a match is the biggest handicap I can think of. It'll take months of therapy and cases of Kleenex for everyone to recover. I'll still throw the old Coot a bone - good shootin' you oversized bag of bones!!!! -- Scott
5 shots...........I thought that was AFTER the match. There is a reason they call that range Oak Hills. Saturday the wind was swirling around and blowing those oak trees all over the place. Every time that big old oak on the big number side of the range@50 yards took a blast of wind a certain way, a few acorns would drop. That's when I would shoot. Worked out ok I guess..............even a gray haired old rat bastard finds an acorn once in a while...............:cool:
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Dave, after reading your post, I have decided not to bring my wind flags to the East-West. I'm going to bring a little Oak tree in a bucket instead.

By the way, nice shooting!
Dave, after reading your post, I have decided not to bring my wind flags to the East-West. I'm going to bring a little Oak tree in a bucket instead.

By the way, nice shooting!

Wind flags are politicians in disguise.................:p
