A stickey wicket

Tim Oltersdorf

Active member
I have had three 22 cal Dewey rods bind in my T K Nolan bore guide sleeve. They only do so in a portion of their length. The sleeves are straight without any burrs. I have tried several different sleeves. The rods are not bent. All were new rods. This has happened with the new aluminum tipped rods. It is if the coating has been applied unevenly. Has anyone else experienced this problem? Tim
I have had three 22 cal Dewey rods bind in my T K Nolan bore guide sleeve. They only do so in a portion of their length. The sleeves are straight without any burrs. I have tried several different sleeves. The rods are not bent. All were new rods. This has happened with the new aluminum tipped rods. It is if the coating has been applied unevenly. Has anyone else experienced this problem? Tim

Sure have. I bought a new set of Dewey Rods at Carter's Country at the first of this year, and one was quite tight in the TKNolan guide for about 5 inches in the middle. I just sanded a tad off of it, problem solved.
somewhat related

I have had three 22 cal Dewey rods bind in my T K Nolan bore guide sleeve. They only do so in a portion of their length. The sleeves are straight without any burrs. I have tried several different sleeves. The rods are not bent. All were new rods. This has happened with the new aluminum tipped rods. It is if the coating has been applied unevenly. Has anyone else experienced this problem? Tim

Tim, pardon this reply, it's not an attempt to hijack your question. I haven't noticed this with new brass tipped rods and I don't use the aluminum ones. I definitely won't use them now. I have to replace my brass tipped rods every couple of years as that coating swells and they stick in TK's rod guides. A couple of years use for such a nice set up is more than acceptable.

On a somewhat related question, have 6mm brushes gotten smaller? All the new brushes I have gotten lately act like Coots used them in a rail match for a day before they got cleaned and repackaged and sent to me.

More evidence that when something is working, you'd better stock up while you can I guess.
My last of set Dewey rods (purchased about 18 months ago) couldn't hardly be pushed through the Nolan guides... after fighting with them for a few matches, I gave up and retired them to shop. replaced them with the stainless rods from Pro Shot, which I've decided I like well enough to not look back.
I used

Dewey rods for a while and didn't like the small handles. I switched to BoreTech rods with the larger diameter handles and loved them. Most eventually had coatings peel so I switched to polished SS rods by Ivy and love them. Bought hard delrin patch and brush jags from borerider. Great cleaning combo with the boreguides from Dave Halblom. --Greg
Like many of you, I've used Dewey rods for a long time without problem. Perhaps some occasionally slip out of the plant with defects as experienced by the OP. I have not tried other cleaning rods and am not aware of what's currently available. Someone mentioned Pro-Shot. Are there others brands also worth trying?