A Question for the Math Guys

I recently got a 15 twist 6mm barrel from a fairly prominate barrel maker. It was stamped 13.5 twist which is what I ordered. The barrel teasted me until I took it to Raton and it shot like a lazer at 6000+ ft. Much better than I usually am able to shoot. But back at 1100 foot altitude it would keyhole bullets. I finally had the light go on and measured the twist. Duh! It was right on the edge. The company replaced the barrel, but not my chambering costs or shipping costs to return the barrel to them. What is it that they say. Sh!t happens. No one is perfect. I don't hold it against them and have since ordered an aditional barrel from them. But from now on, I will check the twist before doing any chambering and would suggest that others do the same.

Donald I wonder if that altitude issue is the same thing Beggs talks about with air density.

Maybe you should have kept it for you special Raton gun since it shot so well there.
That is exactly what my gunsmith said. He said it was the best barrel you have ever had. But by that time it had 700+ rounds thru it. And they replaced it but the new barrel is no where as good at the other. Maybe I should have just shot real short bullets. As it was I was shooting a 62 grain bullet that measured about .802" long.

As to what Gene Beggs says, the man knows of which he speaks. You can't be a commercial pilot as long as he was and not be aware of it.
