A question about the Stoney Point/Hornady headspace gauge.

Wait. Wait. That's not the I'm talking about.

Roy, I read with some frustration the thread......

The individual inserts are available from Hornady, Grafs or Sinclair.




The base is sold separately, also.

httnp://www.hornady.com/store/Lock-N-Load-Comparator-Body-1-Each/Hope that helps. :rolleyes:

The one I'm talking about is the long one and serves a differet purpose.
I'm sorry Larry, I don't understand your question. I'm talking about 40 pcs. of brass.
i told you your original wording was throwing people off.
you clearly say CARTRIDGE OAL( a loaded round) when you are talking about the length of resized brass at the shoulder(at some reference point on the shoulder)(headspace clearance).
ya have a good day....
mike in co