A little OT-Virginia Beach, Virginia

Butch Lambert

Active member
My oldest son and his family are moving to Virginia Beach inorder that he can go to law school. He needs a gunsafe and I told him it would be better to get one there instead of buying one now and moving it.
Anybody from that area that can point us in the right direction, please?
There is a gun show that comes to Richmond a couple times a year. That is where I got mine.
Va. Beach Blvd

Butch, There is a guy on Va. Beach Blvd. that sells safes. Real nice guy, I've bought two from him. He'll give you a good price and he has them in stock. When I get in my shop in the morning I'll get his name and number for you. Boe
Thanks very much Boe. They may have a buyer on their house here and will try to move in July. They are excited and apprehensive at the same time. He got his Masters 17yrs ago and been out in the real world for longer than that. Going back to school will almost be a new experience.
Virginia Beach, eh


There is hope I'll get you and your wife to come by for a visit. Butch I live about 3 hours from Virginia Beach. One of the places I deer and turkey hunt is about 1/2 way between my house and Virginia Beach. If he wants to take a break and shoot a couple of deer he can just give me a call.
Gun Safe

Wal Mart or walmart on line:):):)

Dicks Sporting Goods,if they are in VA:)


These are take down full size safes. They are on a six month wait if you order one now.

I have a safe built by Mark Zanotti and it is very nice. I bought the one that assembles in pieces and when your son moves again it will be a piece of cake to move. From the outside it looks just like any other safe.

Also, when my place got flooded last year, i called Mark and told him the floor piece of carpet needed replaced. His office is only 25 miles away so i drove up to pick up the carpet, and he WOULD NOT take any money for the new piece. He's a nice guy and an avid shooter. Give him a call, it will be worth the 6 month wait.
