A legend passes away. Mike walker dead at 101 years old

The man that gave us the Remington 700 & the 40X and was an instrumental driving force in the development of the game of benchrest passed away this past week. Mr. Walker passed away last week at 101 years old. He had fallen and broke his hip, they put him under the knife for a new hip; he survived the surgery and was doing well then 3 or 4 days after he passed peacefully in his sleep at the hospital. Included are a few pics of Mike's home shop and of him taken a few weeks ago. He treated me like a son and always took the time to answer any question I had!

We are diminished,
Speedy Gonzalez


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Mike Walker

So sad to hear about Mike's passing.
Ironically, Rod had conducted a phone interview with him just a few weeks ago, the brief highlights of which will appear in April Precision Rifleman. It saddens me greatly that such an iconic figure has left the range and even more so to now have to write an obituary for this great and historic man. RIP dear man. Condolences to his family and many, many friends.
I only Hope....

That Remington Arms organize some sort of commemoration product to honor one of their best and most original employees that helped make their name famous as well as respected.

didn't know ya kinda

didn't know mike but i did if u no what i mean, had a 2 40 xs years ago n enjoyed them both, u wer a great man n many respects 2 u, i c a 101 yr old man every week my friends, hope mike was as happy as he.
Mike Walker

Speedy , here are a couple pics from my photo library.scan0001.jpg
The man that gave us the Remington 700 & the 40X and was an instrumental driving force in the development of the game of benchrest passed away this past week. Mr. Walker passed away last week at 101 years old. He had fallen and broke his hip, they put him under the knife for a new hip; he survived the surgery and was doing well then 3 or 4 days after he passed peacefully in his sleep at the hospital. Included are a few pics of Mike's home shop and of him taken a few weeks ago. He treated me like a son and always took the time to answer any question I had!

We are diminished,
Speedy Gonzalez