A cactus thank you

Tom Libby

New member

I would like to thank Art Clegg, Ed Maxwell, Doc Marsh, Thomas and the target crew on a good job they did at this years Cactus. It is the First Cactus for these people and under some of the high winds that gave some of us shooters the opportunity to shoot some large groups the match went as I feel as well as it could. Yes you can always improve and Yes you can always have those few that no matter what you do to make it work will never be happy.

I want to thank all the Shooting Business Company’s and Personal Shooters that were so generous in giving their products, gift certificates and money for the shooters this year it was very much appreciated. I hope those that won these gifts will in turn send, call or email the people a Big Thank You.

For those shooters that traveled so far to get to this end of the earth as a lot of shooters think it is (PLEASE BRING BACK OUR DIRT) seriously Thank All of You for Coming and I hope your travel home was a SAFE ONE.

Tom Libby
Southwest Director

I did not get a chance to copy all the sheets posted on the board, some results are posted here on BRC.

I would like to add my thanks to everyone that made the match run. Some of the worst wind conditions I have ever seen yet the match ran flawlessly.
Well done fellows!
Art, Ed, and Doc.
I also would like to add my thanks for a great time at the Cactus. In addition I want to thank Walt Berger for another delicious dinner Saturday night.
Two Gun Tie

Hey Tom

I herd there was a tie for the 2 Gun at the Cactus.

If this is true do you or anybody know the details???

How did Andy win the tie breaker?

Congrats to Andy.
I would like to thank Art Clegg, Ed Maxwell, Doc Marsh, Gary ocock Thomas and the target crew. Also a big thank you to all the people who donated gifts for the shooters,its people like this that make shoots like the cactus fun to attend. I will see you all there next year. Your friend. Gabe ledesma
Hey Tom

I herd there was a tie for the 2 Gun at the Cactus.

If this is true do you or anybody know the details???

How did Andy win the tie breaker?

Congrats to Andy.

Smitty, I can appreciate your question but this is not the post to answer this, This is a Thank You post only.

Thanks Tom