6ppc FL size die


Active member
I have a custom 6pp FL size die here that i acquired through a trade deal, and it is a real good match for my 6ppc reamer. While using this die the other day, i noticed that it was only resizing about .100 down on the neck. In other words the bushing is only sizing about .100 of the neck, and there is no way to adjust the die so it can size any further down. Now i do know it isnt desired to size the neck all the way down, but i would think a little further down on the neck would be fine?? This die is just made this way and it can not be adjusted to size any further down. I think Billy Stevens made this die, so i know it is made this way for a reason. I just haven't ever seen a FL bushing die that sizes so little of the neck before. The only complaint i have with this die, is that when seating a bullet on a sized piece of brass, the bullet pops into place. Feels weird! I can see some merit to all this, as the unsized portion of the neck would seem to help center the brass in the chamber. Just feels weird. How common is this? To be real honest the only other 6ppc dies i have ever used were Harrels and they size almost the entire neck, or the hole neck if adjusted to do so. Whats your thoughts on this? I found it to be quite interesting, myself. The die makes good straight ammo that shoot really well, so i think i will hang on to it. It has been my experience that a good die is a bit hard to find!! Have a good evening! Lee
don't know anybody running that kind of die,something may have been modified to work with different length spacer bushings on top of the sizing bushing to size the neck longer or shorter ? Does the bushing rattle around a lot when you shake the die up and down ? You should talk more with the guy you got it from or Billy. As it is ,it should be ok with boattails but will probabably be horrible with flat base bullets. Once a flat base bullet's pressure ring seats below the sized portion of the neck in any chambering the accuracy potential usually goes to hell.
I can't imagine Billy ever making a die like that. I have one of his dies and it sizes about 70% of the neck, as it's supposed to.
well hell! I will see what i can find out. My rifle does shoot well using this die. I shoot 66gr fowler bullets. I will report back if i can find out anything. Thanks lee
Some powders nee a lot of neck tension, and some do not. As long as you stick to those that do not, you should be OK. If you decide to modify the die, I think that it may not be as touchy as all that, as long as careful work is done, and the alignment of the ID of the bushing cavity is extended true to the original cut. After all, the bushing is held square by the cap when sizing, and is not touching the bottom of the cavity, if the die is set up to let the bushing float a little, as most are. The only thing that could make modifying the die tricky is the surface hardening. That could get interesting.
Billy stevens made this die, that i know for sure. I havent been able to get ahold of him yet though. I will report. Lee
Lee, The die I bought from Billy for my 6PPC, has "STEVENS 6PPC" engrave on it, on the upper portion of the die base. If that helps.
Did he use a newlon die blank by any chance? I guess i shouldnt have said that i know billy made this die for a fact. I was told by a good man that billy made this die, putting it that way is more accurate. Lee