6BR vs. 6x47


New member
I'm looking to build some 600yd rifles. I was wanting some info. on the 6x47. I would like some oponions, on what people thinks works best. These are the 2 I was looking at.
Either will do the job effectively .... one just has to "perfect" what ever caliber.

About the time one caliber is looking best for a deciding factor to a caliber/cartridge, someone will light the world on fire with some other caliber.

Pick any and PERFECT it to the time and resources you can put to it!!

Happy Shooting
Donovan Moran
I don't have any personal experience with the BR - I've chambered several of them for others, but haven't shot one myself. On the other hand, I had two Dashers built before starting to do my own gunsmithing, and have built three more for myself, plus several others for friends since. There are also a couple of 6x47s in the safe that I've put together for myself, plus another one that I built for a friend.

My first Dasher shoots just about everything I've tried in it very well, while the 6x47s have taken more experimenting, yet still have a tough time matching the Dasher for pure accuracy at 600. That's my story, and I'm sticking with it. A Dasher will do almost anything the 6x47 will, and do it with 7-8grs. less powder. That extra powder provides a little extra velocity, but at the cost of more recoil, more carbon fouling in the throat, and probably shorter barrel life.

It may sound like I'm bashing the 6x47, but I'm only relating my unbiased personal experiences. I shot my newest 6x47 (BAT 3L, Krieger 7.5-twist, Kelbly trigger, Robertson H&H prone stock) in a 4x600 mid-range HP prone match Sunday, and was very pleased with the results. DTAC 115s at 2980fps bucked the wind well and were very accurate in HP terms. However, I'm positive I could've shot one of the Dashers with Lapua 105s and been on even terms with the 6x47 due to minimal (if any) ballistic advantage of the larger cartridge vs. the superior accuracy of the Dasher and its slightly lighter recoil. So why did I shoot the 6x47? Curiousity & because it's the newest toy in the safe. If I were going to have to make a choice between the 6x47 & Dasher (or BR) for 600yd. BR, the smaller cases would get the nod without hesitation.
with that Dasher,can you fireform and shoot in a match at the same time?

My wife has a Speedy Gonzales built 6mmBR in a McGhee stock. We bought it used and it shoots so well that I built one for me using a Savage 12 LRPV action/trigger/stock. We just love the cartridge and it shoots VERY well. The "go to" load for this little cartridge is 30 grains of Varget behind a 105 Berger or 107 SMK. We have been getting SD of around 6 fps with this load and pratically no vertical at 600 yards.

Wife's gun will jsut not shoot this load as the pressures in her gun are too high. Her gun loves 30.5 grains of VV550 and the same bullets. Best 300 yard groups has been .75" for 5 shots and best 600 yard group has been 2". I cannot say enough about how much we love this little cartridge and even shoot it out to 1000 yards VERY effectively - last match she shot the F-Class spotter off when it was in the X-ring at 1000 yards.

If you have not found the Forum yet, go over to www.6mmbr.com and read about it and other cartridges.

I've had several very good scores on the NRA HP MR1 600yd. target while fireforming Dasher cases - the main thing you're giving up while fireforming is about 125fps of velocity. Accuracy with properly prepared FF ammo may or may not be as good as with formed cases, but at least in my experience, it's been pretty good.