6BR For BR

I was thinking ,If one was built with a BR action,a BR barrel and stock and a good trigger,if it is capable to shoot with the PPC.

Insert the word almost into the above sentence and you will have it right.
BTW I started out shooting the 6BR in 1982 and have owned several along the way including two right now. I also shot 25BR for a couple years and now 30BR. In short I am a big fan of the BR case. Still I have found at 100-200 the 6BR shoots very well, almost as well as a 6PPC. But not well enough to beat the PPC most days.

We're on the fringe here, but Ferris Pindell made some 100+ grain 6mm bullets with a closed-up meplat, and felt they would have an advantage at 200 yards in point-blank benchrest. And the 200 yard winner usually wins the whole shebang. To shoot these heavier bullets, Pindell advocated the 6BR.
We can say this: the 6BR certainly isn't the sensible choice.

Ferris said those bullets were "poison" the last few times i've seen him at the Supershoot. A true good ole boy. We were at the Legacy probably 3-4 years ago and he was talking the same "poison" stuff. Jerry Simison, Jay Sperry, Tony Larson, Dave Dowd, all those old guys setting around talking in our room. Ferris probably told the poison story 10 times in an hour, maybe more, but we just listened. Some day we may be in the same shape, and i hope someone listens then. He was in his glory, talking shooting with shooters. A true icon of our sport, one half of the reason the 6ppc is still the KING for over 40 years:cool::cool::cool::cool:.
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My new rifle will be in 6BR, If it shoots as well as my last 2 6BR's have i plan on trying to shoot BR group with it.
I have had 3 22ppc'c and two 6ppc's and both my 6BR's would out shoot them most of the time,now if one of the ppc's were really humming
they would out shoot the BR, now it really seems to be easyer to keep the 6BR in tune and it can shoot a wide variety of powders and bullets well.
but i know in a 10.5 lb gun the 6BR upsets the rifle more than the ppc does. both of mine were HV one at 14.0 lb and one at 12.5 lb.
now the 6BR that fired the groups you see is tired, has around 1,300 rounds down the tube,
when this barrel was new most of my groups were in the low to mid .100's.
I believe the rifle was capable of agging in the mid .100 at its very best, understand i never have agged a .150 but the rifle was capable of that, have agged in the .180's and very low .200's with it a bunch, BUT I HAVE NEVER SHOT it in competition, but i have the bug back
and i will keep working at it and IF my new LV 6BR shoots as well as this one has i plan to give BR another go. Im a huge fan of the 6BR. I mean not to take anything away from the ppc but the 6BR just soots me better and i wonder if i could shoot it competitively BR group
so i plan to find out. its in the works.


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Go to the nearest competition near you, you will be accepted with open arms > we need new shooters! Let the forum know how you did and what the experience was like! What is your nearest big town. Get a mentor if you can, saves a lot of heartache.
