600 yard Nationals - Results

Following up some more:

. I was worried that we would make too much if 80 shooters showed and how to return the extra cash to the competitors. But with only 36 shooters, that is not a problem anymore.

Once again, thanks to all the helpers and competitors who made this an enjoyable match.

Hey Larry, about the $144, keep it and have a cool one on us.

Thanks again for all you did.
Sam Hall

Sam I just read that you were campaigning two standard 6BR's for the win.Very good shooting.
Glen Sterling congrats as well were you using the reamer I sold you?
I would like to thank everyone for the their kind words! Like me and Terry Brady were talking about on the way back from the Nationals. We shooters usually don't get much recognition. I really enjoy reading these forums and everyone's input. I have made two paper copies of this post to put up for my two young boys. Hope they can look back at them in a few years and be proud of their dad! I am in the planning stages of building a LG/HG just like mine for my 8 year old. I'll get it shooting for him just in case he takes it up, if not, they will be there for my 2 year old boy. So look out! We might be in our wheelchairs watching them go. That is what shooting is all about- passing it on- just like my dad did for me.
Also thanks to everyone that put on the match and sponsors. Everything went great. And everyone had a great time. I really enjoyed talking to all the guys I had heard all about and spending 4 days with my shooting buddies in the house we stayed in (thanks to Larry Isenhour).
As far as the DQ problem Brian Moore had what I believe is a brilliant idea: instead of a DQ in the 600 yard game- have a 1 MOA penelty ( 6 inches) added to the group for each shot off the record target. And of course you would get no points for those shots off the record paper. People take off work, drive hundreds of miles away from their families, spend hundreds of dollars for these matches. It was very disheartning at the Nationals to see any, much less so many great shooters DQ and be "out of it". I know what it feels like- I shot the sighter target instead of my record twice in one match last year. That was hard to explain to my wife, family, and co-workers. When I was going to a match from then on everyone would kid me and tell me " remember to shoot the target on the right, Samuel". Now I hang a big sign in front of me that states " shoot the target on the right".
Sincerely, Samuel Hall
Sighter issue


The system we are using in Oak Ridge is for a range with pits.
Taking down the sighter would take up to a minute or longer and scores would suffer.
The RO's after the sighter period last command is a cease fire MOVE TO
Its works for the most part.......Just ask Sam Hall
In the highpower game there is a saying - there are those that crossfire and those that will. In this game it could be said that there are those that DQ and those that will.

I'm no expert in this arena, but a DQ for putting a shot on the sighter is a bit extreme. I DQ'ed during my first match and once since then and it is very discouraging. My vote is for the 1 MOA penalty.


PS - for all the competitors, I put your hard copy of the results in the mail today. You should get them soon.
Congrats to Joel Kendrick on his 0.984 in. group

Joel shot a sub-one-inch group measuring 0.984 in. which was the smallest
group of the match. A group in the zero's has probably been shot less than 10 times in IBS competition. Congrats to a great shooter. Joel is a very deserving guy who puts a lot of time and effort into every match he attends.
He is one of our super stars.
delima abut sighter target////

If you are using people in the pits and a sighter target....are they marking on the sighter target where the bullets "print"???...if so why dont you just have one target down range...(like the NBRSA does it!!) and put a marker in the bullet hole and then when the sighter period is over all holes are pasted over and the target is clean for your record string....only one target on your frame and no confusion over which one to shoot at....it is nuts to DQ someone over this or a crossfire ,,,a penalty shuld be assesed and the competitor shuld be able to "shoot on" ...this sort of procedure has not been noticed becuase at lots of matches there is only one LG and one HG target fired....at a NBRSA match (even just a weekend match) there is usually two or three targets fired with each gun (( and for only 40$ per day)),,,lots of places that dont have pits send the target crew downrange and they put pasties on the target where the previous group was fired (red for one group and then green for the next...the third one they just leave the holes)....Brian knows all about a shootin match ...he shoots all over the country and sees how the other half of the world does it!!!...Roger
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I agree, the DQ penalty for shooting off the record paper or below the blue line should be changed to just a MOA penalty. Joel was DQ'ed for shooting below the blue line on his record target. I can't even find that in the IBS rules.

As to shooting record shots on the sighter, that is a different animal. The sighter is a ways to the left of the record target, and is clearly marked with a big (about 8" high) black "S". But this should not even be a DQ.

And yes, Joel is one of the good guys. Come to think about it, all the BR shooters I know are really exceptional people.

this sort of procedure has not been noticed becuase at lots of matches there is only one LG and one HG target fired

You have been corrected on this error in your posts several times in the past but you keep posting it and it is NOT true.

So lets clarify this one more time and be very clear going forward for everyone reading this post...


It is IBS 1000yd BR disipline that fires 1 target per class and the winner moves on. Though that rule was ammended at the winter meeting last January to allow up to 3 targets to be fired to determine a relay winner for 1000yd competition. But to date no club has scheduled a match to take advanatge of the additional shooting potential for IBS 1000yd competition. Why not???.... I don't know. But for years all I ever heard was "we don't shoot enough"... now the shooters have that as an option and nobody is using it.

As for the outright DQ vs a 1 MOA/zero score penalty, I really don't care either way but the end result is the same no matter what. A 1 MOA penalty and zero score is going to put you at the bottom of the list right where you already are if you DQ'd anyway. So is anything getting "fixed" by adding more rules? Or is this simply a rule to make someone who screwed up feel better? Yes I was one of the DQ's at the Natioanls. First time I ever did it. Just a complete brain fart on my part.
The bottom of the list with a very large group number next to your name or no number due to being DQ'd is still the bottom of the list.
But if a 1 MOA/zero score penalty per shot is what the majority wants, simply start an agenda item and gather as many signatures and get it to the LR committee.

The current website rulebook is well behind on getting updated. The current rules displayed on the webpage are the original set of rules for 600yd competition when it was setup in 2004?? None of the approved agenda items since then have been published. This is a problem as you have noticed. I've been working on the scoring program to make it automatically calculate proper points and various other things and have had to make phone calls to get the info myself. Not a good thing. I didn't know about hitting below the blue line either.

Expipers idea about using 1 target and simply pasting the holes is a valid idea. I have shot using this system at the NBRSA 1000yd Nationals 3 times and haven't had an issue yet. BUT... one thing I can think of is if you double 2 record shots right over a pasted sighter hole and the pasty gets ripped off to where the scorers can't varify all 5 rounds might be a problem. Definitely more so for 600yd competition over 1000yd where it's currently used. Something to think about.

BTW: Sam thanks for the royal butt-kicking you gave me and everyone else!! ; )Great consistant shooting!

Steve Shelp

Steve since we are making corrections here thats not the way its done in NBRSA 600 yard matches.
We put up a clean single target as our sighter and fire as many rounds as we need.

We then staple a brand new target on top of the sighter target and this is our first record target.It has zero,nada zilch pasters on it.

After the targets are pulled you can either paste up the extra holes are put up a new target for your sighters again.
Our record targets are always new and have no pasters on them.
We shoot 3 lightgun targets and 3 heavygun targets per day at regular matches for $40 as The Expiper has already said.Our pricing stays the same at each club.

I understand what you are saying about the penalty DQ not changing anything but for the guys who shot the wrong target hanging only one at a time would have helped them out.It wouldn't do any good for the off paper or below the line shooters.
Thanks for the clarification on that. I worked in the pits in 2000 the first year I went to Byers and we shot sighters and record shots on the same target. We then had to circle all record shots w/ black magic marker. That is how it was done then.
I've worked in the scoring shed the last couple of times so I wasn't in the pits. But now that you made me think about it... all targets I scored didn't have the pasties on them or the magic marker.

Steve Shep

How do you get the good jobs. Let me in on how you do it.
All record targets should have NO pasters on them. Easily to score in that form.
No DQ's in NBRSA for off paper.