600 yard match at Piedmont yesterday........

Rich De

This is not much of a match report but I thought by now, someone would have put up the full results. Let me say this, as always, it is a good match to attend. It also has some of the country's top shooters present so winning here is an accomplishment:)
It started out in the morning around 28* with very little wind and light gun was contested first. By the time heavy gun got started, it had warmed up into the 50's and 60's and with it, a very tricky changing wind. Which was evident by a number of DNQ's.
I am not sure who took home the "wod" in Heavy gun as we left when the "smoke had cleared!" Knowing the three of us would not be on the podium:D
In light gun, I believe Sam Hall took the agg. win. In heavy gun, John Lewis did have some good targets with his .308 and may have been the man to beat? Hope Tommy Williams gets the results out. They have a new web site but I could not find any information on the match results.
Rich De
Rich De,

Have Tommy put you on his email list. I had the results yesterday. Don't have them with me now.

Bench #10 wasn't good for me, I cleaned my barrel between targets 2 & 3. My third target was horrible 4th not much better.

Jim Morgan
James............I am on his list and I did get them yesterday but it was before I posted this. But thanks anyway. So you were on my bench also:) It was OK in the a.m. but deteriorated when HG came along:( At least I did not DQ as many did!
Rich De
We had a "new to 600 yd. benchrest" shooter at Piedmont Saturday named Matthew Bennett . Looking over the results from LG ( the only class Matt shot) I noticed Matt shot a 1.289" group on his first target. That might have been the small group of the day. I thought that was pretty impressive for his first target shot in competition. If Matt sticks with it he will be one to watch out for .

This was my first trip to Piedmont and certainly won't be the last. I have previously shot at Oak Ridge since first starting in the 600 yd. Bench Rest game in '08. Rodney, Sam, John Lewis and some others had invited me to come on over to shoot with the Piedmont group. It was a great experience shooting with so many experienced people. Thanks to all for the hospitality; particularly Tommy for taking care of the brass and stool I left at the range and meeting me Thursday afternoon so I could retrieve it all on my way back to Louisville.
James Remmel