6 mm br

Here's the deal

You can get a rifle chambered for 6PPC at some price. Thing is, you might get a good one and you might not. Think about it this way.....if you attend a benchrest match, a 6PPC will almost always be first and last place. If you believe all 6PPCs shoot the same and it just depends on the shooter, please ignore this post.

Added - don't really know why I wrote that as it's good for nothing. The truth - yes. Worthwhile - NO!
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When I started shooting benchrest about 15+years ago my first benchgun was a 6br short ( tall dog) it was a shooter and I won a few trophies with that gun, But the case prep was a pain in the but. I gave up on bumping shoulders back and trimming cases and never looked back. I have turned a few friends into benchrest shooting and I allways make sure that they start with a PPC, they can take it from there
G'day mate,

Have a look at this site, http://www.benchrestbulletin.net/drupal/ and touch base with anyone there who will offer you opinion and maybe relevant advice. 6PPC are pretty much considered to be great to 300, even if at the longer range the 6BR coming into it's own element.

Thank you very much for that link, I was unaware of what a great resource we have here down-under.

I have located a local gunsmith with a borescope who apparently is quite good so it's going to be worth the quoted $40 to have an expert opinion. I am quite keen to get started with a 6 mm br for club (SSAA Wodonga) comps.

Regards * doghunter *
If, when the 6 BR was introduced, good quality brass had been available, I believe we would have close to an equal number of BR's and PPC's on the line today. Trouble was, BR brass was such a royal pain to form and PPC was so easy, it made the choice for you. I really think what we see today is a case where the top shooters are not winning because they have PPC's but because they are dedicated shooters who do an excellent job of preparation. In other words, PPC's don't make winners out of the top shooters, the top shooters make a winner of the PPC. Regards, Bill