$5 oil !

feel like having nothing Pete?

Now, if we can just get them dang trucks off the bleedin road - - - ; less damage to the raods is another benefit; savings all around: a chicken in every pot, a Hummer in every garage!

well that is what you will have without the trucks. sure the railroad can carry things but how far is it to the nearest railyard? belive it or not there are still places that depend on trucks for everything. and when was the last time ups delivered a package that didn't come off a truck at some point? want bullets? need food? want gas for that hummer? better learn to live with those trucks.

Close to the end of the pipe here 100 miles west of the Canadian Border on the Right Coast and it is 1.829 here today. It seems to be receeding @ roughly .10 per gal, per week here. We generally pay more for consumer goods here that the rest of the US, Petrol being no exception.

Regarding OPEC; the got to live too. They depend on a certain level of income, like the rest of us so I don't see them cutting back much. I think new exploration will "suffer" a bit in the short haul. If the World Economy continues to go down the drain it won't matter much the prices of anything. Money won't be worth anything because it will be so inflated we won't be able to buy much of anything. We could be seeing a colapse of the whole house of cards. May we live in interesting times.

If you've noticed heating oil and diesel are coming down but not anywhere near as much as gasoline. THAT is where the oil company pariahs and Middle Eastern, anti everything good, wholesome, reasonable, fair and progressive devils are making there money right now. Notice food prices haven't come down due to transportation?

As much as I love the prospect of really cheap energy, every silver lining has a dark cloud.

I'm just a little suspicious that the prices have dropped this far and this fast. An effect of the drops will be to put the brakes of all the efforts for alternative and independent energy sources. As soon as all of those projects are dead, they can start turning the screws again.

I've had the naging feeling that the oil hogs fear a Democratic windfall profits tax so they, conspiring with many of the "friendly" middle Eastern oil countries have let prices drop for fear of political retribution. JMHO.
If we had a

well that is what you will have without the trucks. sure the railroad can carry things but how far is it to the nearest railyard? belive it or not there are still places that depend on trucks for everything. and when was the last time ups delivered a package that didn't come off a truck at some point? want bullets? need food? want gas for that hummer? better learn to live with those trucks.

National Rail Road system like we do the Interstate highways and any Rail Company could use them, like the dang trucks do the Interstates then the trucks could do shorter,intermodal runs and save a lotta oil. The local trucks could haul lighter loads and the roads would take less abuse. I see and hear once in awhile adds by the rail roads on how little oil it takes to haul many tons of freight. Why is nobody listening? Why isn't the Federal Government listening?
Correct me if i'm wrong, but doesn't diesel fuel in the winter time generally stay pretty high so people won't stray from home heating oil to burn in their homes?

If so, would be a reason diesel isn't dropping with gasoline right now.
Never happen--- OPEC is cutting production coupled with the Fed which is expected to cut interest rates which weaken the dollar will push oil to 55 this time next week. Just watch..
National Rail Road system like we do the Interstate highways and any Rail Company could use them, like the dang trucks do the Interstates then the trucks could do shorter,intermodal runs and save a lotta oil. The local trucks could haul lighter loads and the roads would take less abuse. I see and hear once in awhile adds by the rail roads on how little oil it takes to haul many tons of freight. Why is nobody listening? Why isn't the Federal Government listening?
Seems to me you have thought of everything exept for the fact of how long it takes the Rail Road to get things from point a to point b when a person wants a shipment he wants it in a timley fashion what if it were you and you were waiting on medical supplies you would be in a hurry would you not? I thought so.
Never happen--- OPEC is cutting production coupled with the Fed which is expected to cut interest rates which weaken the dollar will push oil to 55 this time next week. Just watch..

Last night, the price for Regular went up $0.16 in my area.


Remember oil is partially based on lifting costs e.g. what we say the price to "get the grease out of the ground"

What the real danger here is that oil is under estimated (cost) and drilling/development stops. We know consumption will increase as a function of low price.....people have a short memory.

A field development in 2500m of water takes 10 years to first oil.

10 years is going to be a long time to wait at the gas pump, when there is a shortage.

That's where we're headed if the price does not stabilize.


what are the oil producing countries going to do, eat sand? They have to pump oil. It's pure economic survival for them. I'm not disagreeing that oil has to be fairly priced, but $147 a barrel this late Summer at this time in history was absurd...and a big reason why this recession will be the worst of our lifetimes. It would be interesting if the grain producing countries of the world leveraged their crop production like the oil countries do their oil. Oh, I can hear the howls...we would be playing with the health of the World. Hell, what are the oil producing countries doing? --Greg
We have allowed

National Rail Road system like we do the Interstate highways and any Rail Company could use them, like the dang trucks do the Interstates then the trucks could do shorter,intermodal runs and save a lotta oil. The local trucks could haul lighter loads and the roads would take less abuse. I see and hear once in awhile adds by the rail roads on how little oil it takes to haul many tons of freight. Why is nobody listening? Why isn't the Federal Government listening?
Seems to me you have thought of everything exept for the fact of how long it takes the Rail Road to get things from point a to point b when a person wants a shipment he wants it in a timley fashion what if it were you and you were waiting on medical supplies you would be in a hurry would you not? I thought so.

Industry and everybody else to use Semi-trailers as warehouses. Industry use to brag about "just in time" inventory. Most of the stuff carried in trucks isn't urgent and beyond that, if trains didn't have to go through the major bottlenecks that exist in the system, trains could be nearly as efficient as trucks. Imagine what shipment by truck would be if all of them had to go through a big terminal in Chicago and wait for 5 or 6 days like rail cars do or had to re-route around the low tunnels in Baltimore or be on a road where they had to sit while an on-coming truck could get past them on a one lane highway. It is rediculous to use all that fuel for warehouses and inefficiency. Medical stuff can be Air Frighted. We still have Airplanes; we still need em.

If there is an infrastructure project that needs done, a National Rail system is it. Just think of the immediate and future benefits!
Yes the rail road needs plenty of help as far as trucking is concerned ifyou dont driveone you dont really know there are a lot of people that can sit around and say if this if that but it is what you think and thats all most people do is think if you havent sit in the seat like I have for 2 million plus miles you dont have a clue what it takes and dont talk about truckers with your mouth full
I kow what you are saying

Yes the rail road needs plenty of help as far as trucking is concerned ifyou dont driveone you dont really know there are a lot of people that can sit around and say if this if that but it is what you think and thats all most people do is think if you havent sit in the seat like I have for 2 million plus miles you dont have a clue what it takes and dont talk about truckers with your mouth full

But there have been a lot of folks who USE to do things they liked to do or thought they had to do who are doing somethong else now. There are many industries we use to think we couldn't live without that are gone, never to return. We have adapted. We can always adapt. We need to do something to save the fuel. Where most of it is used might be a good place to start.
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Well since the price of gas fell about $3/ gal not too long ago, relieved the minds of the shoppers so they could feel compelled to drive to the stores.

$4/ gal gas how many people do you think would have wanted to stay in.

Now that the season is coming to an end, wanna bet it will shoot right back up and our media will inform us that the demand is back up or some other lie?
Hubbert Peak

We need to do something to save the fuel.
In the short term, conservation will help, but we are running out of oil. Hubbert (www.hubbertpeak.com) predicted way back in the 50's that US oil production would peak in the 80's, and that's exactly what happened. If world oil production is peaking soon, which is the scientific consensus, then the recent high oil prices can be expected to return as soon as the economy recovers and demand for oil rises. If we conserve, then it delays the problem, but it is inevitable that oil will get so expensive that we will be forced to find an alternate source.
If we look at the history of energy use (www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/aer/eh/frame.html), we see that several transitions have occurred - animal power to wood power in the late 1800's, wood to coal in the early 1900's, coal to oil in the mid 1900's. We are in the beginning stages of the next transition. What are we transitioning to this time? Uranium is not abundant, so nuclear fission is out, unless we are willing to accept breeder reactors. Wind power makes a lot of sense where it is windy, but the resource is limited. If we covered about a quarter of Arizona with solar collectors, they would generate enough power to meet the entire US demand, so I think solar is the most likely candidate. On the other hand, nuclear fusion would provide a virtually unlimited source if we ever figure out how to do it.
Exciting times for the energy engineer.:p

As much as I love the prospect of really cheap energy, every silver lining has a dark cloud.

I'm just a little suspicious that the prices have dropped this far and this fast. An effect of the drops will be to put the brakes of all the efforts for alternative and independent energy sources. As soon as all of those projects are dead, they can start turning the screws again.

