what is the best way to get a perfect hole 8 inches deep in 416 annealed. plan on using dave kiff bolt.should it be hardend before or after drilling-boring? thanx for your input.
I think that that the big kids use a deep hole drill. Then H.T. and ream.
For one or two, you could drill a 5/8 through hole then mount the tube on your lathe compound. Make a long boring bar that goes from spindle nose to tailstock, probably about 18" long, and the bar would bore the hole as the compound moved slowly past the cutter that would be about center in the bar.
I have a number of blanks from an unnamed source that have a .701/.702 hole through them AND the raceways finished. I traded one of them to the fellow offering the 17-4 blanks for one of his. His are wire EDM cut and very straight and the same size all the way through.
The through hole is easy compared to the raceways. Then, you have to figure out how to cut the clearance cams on the front lug abutments. Thread the front and finish the lug abutments before you cut the raceways.
A full diameter bolt type action is a lot easier to complete. Wolfe Publishing has Otteson's "Bolt Action" vol. 1 and vol. 2 on a CD. Quite reasonable and a wealth of knowledge. Money and time well spent for the beginner action maker.
Jay, Idaho