.30BR and the 115 grain Berger



Does anyone mind sharing a good load for this combo?
Does anyone mind sharing a good load for this combo?

Try 33.5 of h4198 into the lands .010. This shot "almost" as good as custom bullets, but if you check match results you rarely see a winner or even a top 10
shooter using these.
Jeff Fountain
115 Bergers

Gee, Don't tell Lou. He used them at Las Vegas last August to win the VFS Nationals and blew the rest of us out of the water. Don
That's what I'm using too.

I'm using 33.5 H4198 with Lapua cases and Federal 205M primers. I am fine with it in my 17 twist 3 groove Lilja. There are guys that will tell you that you can go up to 35 grains. I'm not sure how they're getting it in the case. I sure am getting low on the primers, though.
35gr in a case - drop it real slow and have some free bore if you only want to jam 0.010. Not all reamers are made the same :). Don't be afraid to go out a little further into the lands, too.
35gr in a case - drop it real slow and have some free bore if you only want to jam 0.010. Not all reamers are made the same :). Don't be afraid to go out a little further into the lands, too.

1st, I believe Mike is speaking of H4198, I would say H4198 is the powder of choice for the 30BR but 35GR of some other powders could be downright dangerous.
2nd, A few people will argue N130 is a better choice and that may be, but considering it's Higher price and even more limited availability (yes I am well aware even 4198 is scarce right now) I avoid it.
3rd, I would advise against starting at 35.0 of H4198, try the 33.5 as suggested by vtmarmot and work up from that. I personally had good luck with 34.7 all of last year.
4th, in a custom actioned 30BR it is probably impossible to get too much H4198 in a case but you do not mention the details of your rifle so I would approach a little more carefully if it is a less stout action.
Thanks for the replies guys. I really appreciate it.
Sorry, Sambubba. Dick is correct. I should have been more specific - H4198 and a custom action. I have gone as high as 35.2gr of H4198 with my lilja and had no pressure signs in a BAT actioned rifle, and it shot very well. It just just as well with 0.5gr less powder so I stuck with that.
My current lilja is liking 34.2gr H4198 with far less jam than my last one. Different strokes.
4-5 years ago

Actually I have seen a lot of good shooting done with 30 cal Bergers.

I did ok at the Hunter 100 yd leg of the bud with a 30x47 and 110 gr Berger bullets. I think they have dropped that weight as I haven't seen it in a while. They shot as well as anything I have ever used. BIBs are tops though because they are accurate an because of who makes them!
Don Carter
Great reply, Lou wasn't the only one using the 115's! Lol he just used them more effectively than those that were using them.