300 win mag need all the information I can get


After looking long and hard at all the available options decided on a 300 win mag for my long range hunting/target rifle.

Picked up a pre accu-trigger Savage 116 SS as a donor.

Looking to replace the barrrel witha 26-30" with a break. Best places to look?

Will also replace the stock, it's the older model stagger feed, any suggestions?

Nikon 6-24x50 going on it for now, will high bases give enough adj to reach 1k or should I use an angled base?

Any and all information on the 300 win mag, load data, history, links etc. Anything and everything much appreciated. Thanks, Matt.
the stagger feed is a better model anyways, dont worry. put a sharshooter supply trigger on it (they also have some decent stocks), and pick out your barrel. i like pac-nor, but most barrel maker will set up a ready to screw on barrel for your savage.
Look in.............................

Cartridges of The World; Loading manuals(there are never too many); Pet Loads; Gun Digest.

That ought to keep you busy for awhile.
By the way, how did you arrive at the decision to use this particular cartridge??

A couple of things pushed me toward the 300.

First of all the purpose of the rifle will be long range target shooting and hunting.

When looking at ballistics, bullet velocity and bc's etc the 7mm and 300 win mag were pretty close, with a slight edge possibly going to the 7mm.

However, when looking at shooting the heavier (over 200grn) bullets for maximum lethality on elk size game the edge went, in my opinion, to the 300.

Massive mullet selection, great accuracy potentioal, tons of load data and the hunting capabilities I was looking pointed me toward the 300.
I see your point, and I understand what you.................

are trying to attain, but, believe it or not, tons of Elk have been dropped out to 300 with a good shot and a 30-'06, and one fellow told me he hunted with twin brothers as guides, in Wyoming, that shot everything except Moose or big Bear with a .25-'06. I restocked a .338 for a friend and developed a load for one bullet, a 250 Nosler Partition, all in one hole, he said, until the fourth shot, that's when the recoil started to take over. Welp, he hunted all over Wyoming, Montana, got Reindeer in Canada, went to Alaska, had a good time. Went back to Montana, for another Elk trip. Filled his tag the first day, helped out one of the guides get in one shot too close to dark to bring in, then dropped it at the butcher's. Went with the guide to fill his (the guide's) tag. Got on the property, the guide says, "There's one", and it was nice. He drags out a rifle that looked like it had been dragged down the road, NO finish on the stock, NO blue on the barrel NO "color" on the 'scope So, they stop and get out, go through and around some rocks & trees, the Elk is feeding on some hay bales. He said it was about 300, maybe 275, the guide puts it to his shoulder and, POW! End of Elk. He said (my friend) that he rubbed his shoulder and thought, "Don, what's wrong with THIS picture??" From the practice he had been doing, 10-15 rds once, twice a week for the last 2-21/2 months, then for three days before he departed, his shoulder was black from his neck to his elbow.
Should YOU customize your rifle like the guide's?? No, but you might think a bit more about an '06, with a 9" twist for the 200s if you need them. You may find you become a better shot sooner...............:cool:
mattri- i have found the 300 wm one of the easiest most forgiving rounds to load for ( after the 222 and 308). i have shot mine sendero out to 1000 yards in matches. there is a savage blog somewhere that can tell you more about making changes on you gun. longrangehunting.com is a another good place for info. i have shot a lot of 30-06 and 300 wm in matches and hunting. your choice is a good one.
are trying to attain, but, believe it or not, tons of Elk have been dropped out to 300 with a good shot and a 30-'06, and one fellow told me he hunted with twin brothers as guides, in Wyoming, that shot everything except Moose or big Bear with a .25-'06. I restocked a .338 for a friend and developed a load for one bullet, a 250 Nosler Partition, all in one hole, he said, until the fourth shot, that's when the recoil started to take over. Welp, he hunted all over Wyoming, Montana, got Reindeer in Canada, went to Alaska, had a good time. Went back to Montana, for another Elk trip. Filled his tag the first day, helped out one of the guides get in one shot too close to dark to bring in, then dropped it at the butcher's. Went with the guide to fill his (the guide's) tag. Got on the property, the guide says, "There's one", and it was nice. He drags out a rifle that looked like it had been dragged down the road, NO finish on the stock, NO blue on the barrel NO "color" on the 'scope So, they stop and get out, go through and around some rocks & trees, the Elk is feeding on some hay bales. He said it was about 300, maybe 275, the guide puts it to his shoulder and, POW! End of Elk. He said (my friend) that he rubbed his shoulder and thought, "Don, what's wrong with THIS picture??" From the practice he had been doing, 10-15 rds once, twice a week for the last 2-21/2 months, then for three days before he departed, his shoulder was black from his neck to his elbow.
Should YOU customize your rifle like the guide's?? No, but you might think a bit more about an '06, with a 9" twist for the 200s if you need them. You may find you become a better shot sooner...............:cool:
i like the 30-06. if you go to accurate shooter or Geramn Salazar"s blog you find you definetly do not need a 9 twist for 200 grain bullets out of a 30-06. my 10 twist shoots them just fine. and German has shot them out his 13 twist. roninflag
Thanks for the great replies.

I don't doubt for a second that the .30-06 is more than capable of taking elk out to 300. I have a .270 that will shoot 1.5 @ 300 all day long.

For walking around, timber and med range shots I'll be using the .270.

When I say med-large game at extended ranges I mean elk beyond 500 and to be honest I don't think the .270 or the .30-06 has what it takes for consistant clean kills at those ranges.

I have a .243 with a 26" Shilen barrel that I wouldn't think twice about using on an antelope at 500. And I know I can ring the 500 yard gong with my .270 until I get bored but when it comes to shooting a big animal at longer ranges I want it all. Accuracy, a big, deep hole and lots of energy behind it.

Been hunting since I was twelve and have never missed/lost a deer etc, dont want to start now.

But what do I know? My mother in law has killed antelope, deer, elk and even an f'ing moose with the same old beat to hell 30-30.
mattri- it sounds like you live where there is a lot of elk/big game. i use/used 210 bergers, lapua brass and re-22 for th 1K matches . there are other powders you may find are just as good. i use the burris zee rings with inserts either a 10 or 20 moa cant. they are cheap. last elk i shot was a 6X6 26 yards with a 30-06. passed up 67 bulls in 6 days of hunting. roninflag
i waited 17 years for the tag. i was not shooting the first bull. i live in arizona. i carried the 300 wm most days. i think your choice is a good one . i have some factory triple shocks they shot in the .2 and .3 out of the 300. it has never shot bigger than inch . sorry i don't get on this much . . longrangehunting.com is another place you can look. where are you hunting??
mattri- the 300 sendero has a vais brake and a jewel trigger. the recoil is not much more than a .243. the 30-06 i used on the elk was a rem 700 titainium . very very light. i was using federal high energy 180 parttions (only thing i think i hav with factory loads in over 40 years) recoil , especailly sighting in was substantial.