270 accuracy baseline

Thanks for the input. Have the MKs on order, just waiting for them to arrive. Barrel is floated, action bedding is next on my list.

alpinecrick, I really want to try some 160s. A local shop has some Nosler Partitions in 160, the only ones I've seen locally. I'll start with the Sierras just because they have the reputation for accuracy that I;m going for now, I'll deffinetely work up some 160s before next season.

4381 around here is like a good plumber- you always hear about it but never see one. If I can get my hands on some that's what I'll use.

Will this gun group .5 on a regular basis? Maybe, and thats my goal but I'm not betting real money on it. But like you said there is an immense amount of pleasure in making an old hunting rig shoot.

What's the worse that can happen? I spend a year learning about my rifle, the loads it likes and my ability as a shooter until its deer/elk season again. I can think of worse goals.
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Let's get down to a practical use for your .270. I have a M 70's and a FN in .270. I don't expect 3/4" groups at 100 but I get some. I shoot very little at 100 prefer 200. For a big game gun 3 shots in an 1 1/2" group and I'm going home or getting another gun out.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR
Good point, for practical application I couldn't agree more. The purpose for now is to see what can be squeezed out of it.
H4831 has had top velocity with very low ES with no pressure signs I see less than 25fps es from summer to deer season I've used Varget,H450,H4350,Rl19,Rl22,IMR4831 MRP,and 7828 long cut. Not one has produced everything in one load like the H4831
I can eek out alittle more velocity with the RL powders but the temps really show alot of vel. spread (around 100fps for the 22 and over 70 for the 19) shot to shot in the summer is pretty low though like 8fps. In the cold though that isn't the case.
The IMR powders couldn't come close with the velocity without excessive ES for me. I wasn't real diligent about changing out primers and sorting brass.
H450 worked well but it's no longer around as far as I know.
MRP was alot of things good but I couldn't get it to shoot well at top velocity.
If you seat your bullet .020 shorter than your magazine. Load 5 rounds 58, 58.5, 59,59.5. & 60gns just to see if you have pressure signs (shiny mark at the ejector on the case). If there are no pressure signs load 3 at each load weight. Shoot each load for group with a completely cold barrel. Using the 130gk This bullet has know accuracy at these velocities. If they are all about the same move the bullet out to .010 short of the max the magazine will allow. If you rifle shoots that varget load it will shoot this load better. The varget is too fast for the 270.
Use a mag primer and try to take all of the other variables out other than the powder weight. IE case brand/weight/length. Try to do it on a cloudy overcast type day. and load each round into the chamber. This way you will not get a deformed lead tip.
If you want to really dial in the seating have your chamber cast.
The target is 200yds 5 shots awhile back. I haven't loaded 270 since about 2006 I have enough at the rate I'm using it to last me as I use a very short brush gun about 98% of the time now. This season sighting in ammo that old I still get groups touching at 100yds.
Jackie O'Conner used 60grns of H4831 a mag primer and 130grn bullets. I have not read a single gunwriter that has near the experience with this caliber.


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RBetts, thanks for the load data and great shooting! That group at 200 is smaller than I've been able to pull off at 100.

Finally found some H4831 so that's what I'll be using.
I'd like to see what a 130 or lighter bullet will do with other powders and some better prepped brass.

Any and all suggestions welome, Matt.

...My Remmy Sendero .270 likes 130gr Nosler BT's with 54.5grs of H4350, Win brs, CCI prs..015 off the lands...First shot alittle high out of a cold bbl. But the other 3 are on the money...at 100yds...;)

Awesome pic, thanks for the reply!

I'm fire-forming some Win brass, have the CCI primers and H4831 ready to go. Hopefully will have the bullets by the time the brass is prepped.

Honestley don't think I'll be getting the kind of groups you guys are posting but thats my fault and gives me something to shoot for.

Great to see people getting good results with the .270, keeps the momentum up on this project. As soon as possible will have some new pics up. Thanks again, Matt.