.22LR 40X repeater action

This is the route to go..... not worth it to go 40x path.....

I'm a little disappointed that you feel the need to tell someone else whether or not their project is worth pursuing. You may not want to for whatever reason but the decision in theirs to make. Wayne
I'm a little disappointed that you feel the need to tell someone else whether or not their project is worth pursuing. You may not want to for whatever reason but the decision in theirs to make. Wayne

Wayne........ please read entire content of posts...... seems most agree.... as I did with previous advice......
you tell 'em Wayne, I thought the same thing but I ignored.
thanks, douglas
Wayne........ please read entire content of posts...... seems most agree.... as I did with previous advice......

It is not my place to answer for Douglas so I will try not to. Douglas never asked for other rifles to replace his 40X project. He has a 40X that he would like to get working and I am trying to help him. I gave him an option. Whether he pursues it is up to him. Wayne