224 BR bullet suggestion


New member
I have a 22PPC Sinclair built back in the day. I would like to try some custom bullets in it, as to date I have only tried varmint bullets. Even with those I am well pleased with how it shoots. Can someone suggest a bullet/maker/weight/design and maybe help by listing contact info. I see lots of 6mm bullets listed, but not a lot of 224. (Yes, there is a 6PPC barrel too, but it has miles on it, the 22PPC is fresh) I do not need a large number of them, 100-200 would be plenty, as I intend to just test with it ans maybe attend an informal match.


sinclair 222

I also have a Sinclair built 222 and looking at my notes I see Barts 52 grain listed but if you want a small amount and want to go through one of the major suppliers, then Berger 52 fb target is good.
I've won a lot of UBR matches over the past seven years shooting Larry Moore's Hillbilly bullets. Larry is a small volume bullet maker and does all operations himself. I would suggest you try the 53gr FB as well as the BT and see what your rifle likes best. Larry can be reached @ (931) 205-3326.

Snert, the B.I.B. .22's are very, very good in anything I've shot them through. R.G. is best known for his .30's but his .22's are unsung heros of the BR bullet world.

For a small quantity deal, the Berger's are darn hard to beat. -Al
Thank you one and all. I will go shopping over the winter and see what I come up with. I have tried some Barts in 6mm and liked them. Got a handfull of several (Ultras were great) to try from someone once, not sure how or where, but really liked them in the BR.

I will start with some Bergers and move on from there.

I have about 50 of Ross Sherman bullets, but don't want to use them as they go with the rifle. Kinda just want to keep them around for posterity.

I have a 22PPC Sinclair built back in the day. I would like to try some custom bullets in it, as to date I have only tried varmint bullets. Even with those I am well pleased with how it shoots. Can someone suggest a bullet/maker/weight/design and maybe help by listing contact info. I see lots of 6mm bullets listed, but not a lot of 224. (Yes, there is a 6PPC barrel too, but it has miles on it, the 22PPC is fresh) I do not need a large number of them, 100-200 would be plenty, as I intend to just test with it ans maybe attend an informal match.


With no exceptions every .22 caliber rifle I own shoots the smallest groups with Barts 52 gr.'s. This includes .222, .223, and 22BR.