22 Waldog And Annealing


New member
For those of you that form cases do you think it is necessary to anneal after forming? I have not experienced any case failures forming and shooting the Waldog. I was just curious if annealing them after forming would help with accuracy?
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Just guessing, not testing

You can find out pretty easy with 20rds, 10 like your doing it now, 10 annealed as in your question
what does it look like?
question answered.
I've made hundreds of Waldog and PPC Short cases. Never annealed any of them and they all shot extremely well. The 220 Russian comes annealed down the case far enough that I don't think it matters. I do know of one person who anneals his short cases and fells that it makes them better, he also shoots very well.

Maybe Dick, Mike or Bill will see this and chime in, I know they have made a lot more than I.
