.22 lr rim thickness

  • Thread starter William Colbert
  • Start date
Mebby becuse we can relate to 86?

Yeah, I guess so....don't really know why I posted that.

I know in my case since turning 70, I am a lot more sensative to "Things" and "situations" in general :). A lot more Random Acts of Kindless, less Road Rage when I can't see a head above the seat back, etc, etc, etc. If we are lucky enough, all of us will be 86 some day, eh?

Looking for sliding rim gauge and ...

I know in my case since turning 70, I am a lot more sensative to "Things" and "situations" in general :). A lot more Random Acts of Kindless, less Road Rage when I can't see a head above the seat back, etc, etc, etc. If we are lucky enough, all of us will be 86 some day, eh?


Fellas ~
You are an impressive lot. I'm searching for one of those sliding scale rim gauges and GOOGLE drops me into the middle of a one-sided pissin' match between little 't' tim and some long-toothed rim fire lovers who just wanna share info in a lota directions ... and enjoy doin' it.
Then comes tiny't' tim that's gunna clear the saloon.

But ya' know ... Isn't that what makes life interesting sometimes!
Fellas ~
You are an impressive lot. I'm searching for one of those sliding scale rim gauges and GOOGLE drops me into the middle of a one-sided pissin' match between little 't' tim and some long-toothed rim fire lovers who just wanna share info in a lota directions ... and enjoy doin' it.
Then comes tiny't' tim that's gunna clear the saloon.

But ya' know ... Isn't that what makes life interesting sometimes!

Two things you should be made aware of:

1) This thread is 1 1/2 years old.

2) William (the OP) got the correct answer with post #2.

ps. Even tho there may be no admission charge to enter the zoo, you are still are advised not to poke the animals with a stick.
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I have noticed similar threads on different websites. It seems that there are two sides in this. I guess there could be a placebo effect. If you believe that it works it works. Neither side is going to change their minds so I think we will just have to agree to disagree. Personally I think with the top level ammo it's not worth the effort and time. JMO
I have noticed similar threads on different websites. It seems that there are two sides in this. I guess there could be a placebo effect. If you believe that it works it works. Neither side is going to change their minds so I think we will just have to agree to disagree. Personally I think with the top level ammo it's not worth the effort and time. JMO

Well, this is one of those " internet vs real world match shooting" kind of deals.
Granted, it has been a forum darling topic, but, as you get around and visit some places, nobody talks about it let alone practices it.
I honestly cannot remember ever hearing it discussed by an accomplished match shooter anywhere I have ever been.
Hey Tim I am on your side on this one, but apparently there are some people that still believe that it helps. With middle and lower quality ammo I could see some possible benefit due to variations in quality control. I have to believe that in the upper quality ammo there is just not that much viariation. That consistency is what you are paying for. If that is not the case just about everybody shooting benchrest is waisting money. According to some we are waiting money regardless.
Hey Tim I am on your side on this one, but apparently there are some people that still believe that it helps. With middle and lower quality ammo I could see some possible benefit due to variations in quality control. I have to believe that in the upper quality ammo there is just not that much viariation. That consistency is what you are paying for. If that is not the case just about everybody shooting benchrest is waisting money. According to some we are waiting money regardless.

Lower grades, quite possibly, something to be gained.
That stuff will still not do much of anything past a club level match.
In what way would it hurt to check rim thickness?

I don't think it's a question of hurting but a question as to whether anything to be gained.
Most shooting in sanctioned matches is using black or red box ELEY.......waste of time. Budget match shooting, you're milage may vary.
Doesn't hurt anything!

So what does the variation in rim thick actually cause? Is it just the changing of head space? And if so, does a thicker or thinner rim ignite differently?
Have not been on this forum in years since back when I shot the LG 1K record at Hawk's Ridge. Probably have not visited the site since around 2013 or so?
many years back, do to being laid up, I went though 1000 rnds of some ammo, rim thickness, weight, diameters oal concentricty, bullet lube removed prior to the previous and relubed afterwards and sorted all out. Conclusion : can it make a difference, well yes - with a blue moon on a Friday night that is the 13th day of the month at the 12th hour, but only if you curl your tongue to the left and squint with your right eye.
Well, I just recently started playing with a somewhat modified 10/22----Barrel, stock, trigger, scope etc. and shooting some S&K pistol match and Wold match ammo at 50 and 100 yards.......and doing very well. 50 yds is averaging right around 1/2" for ten shot groups with good conditions from good benches and rest. 100 yards averaging right at 1.1" for ten shot groups with some 9 shots occasionally around 3/4" but that darn flyer to spoil it. Been testing various other LGS ammo and stuff that has been on my shelf for years and was just curious if there was anything to this " rim thickness" thing?
So, after reading an article in I think....Shooting times (Boy, I miss Precision Shooter and Varmint Hunter mags.) or G and A about Hornady's Rim Thickness gauge, I thought I would give it a try_____________________Damn, should have come here first!:mad:
So, can I interest you in a brand new Hornady Rim Thickness gauge??????? Yup, I played with a few different brands and shot the stuff with .001 -.002" difference alongside the the stuff that had no run out and could not tell the difference. I don't shoot in any rim-fire competition so its just personal satisfaction!
Thanks for your reply.
Classic Tim

Ah, now there's some sportsmanship for ya. I believe we have a new division in the " keyboard class" , the geritol division, with oak leaf cluster, for the " I don't shoot real matches, but I've been doing it forever"
OK who let grampa near the computer?

P.S. You do know this stuff is no longer black powder, right?

This is one of the Classics! LMAO then, & now 3 years later!.
Tim, you seem to have a somewhat softer side now.
Rich...First of all...Welcome back!

Secondly, in terms of sorting rimfire ammo, it can be a good thing for some particular ammo but in the long run it's not worth doing at all. In other words...if sorting ammo helps, then you need to buy different ammo. Sorting ammo may increase your confidence, and that in itself would be good...but if you ain't winning now and then it's not THAT good.

Thirdly, I'm basing this on what I've read on this forum over the years and have never personally sorted ammo.
Conversation I overheard during the summer... one of the better shooters was telling an even better shooter about how over the winter he weighed and sorted a bunch of ammo... the even better shooter looked him and said, “I’d rather shoot bad scores than go through all that work.”
Several years ago.....pre Lapua gold box, this was required shooting ELEY and the first great gauge was the sliding bar Longo gauge, followed by the fixture/dial indicator. That is when an Anschutz 2007 was a hot ticket after Precision Shooting mag did an extensive article about the marvel of an adjustable headspace rifle.
Long time ago and zero need with modern match grade ammo.
Anybody ever wants to play with mid grade stuff, I have both gauges.....take any reasonable offer.