22-250 ackly imp


double s

could any one tell me can a factory 22-250 chamber be reamed to a 22-250 ackly imp. chamber just by running the reamer in to cut out the shoulder and not disturbing the headspace and having to re do the threads or anything.
Under certain circumstances I suppose it could be done but as a general rule I wouldn't recommend it. Most factory chambers are at or are near maximum S.A.A.M.I. factory dimensions, some times over! With your ackley version you ideally want a slight crush fit on your cases so you can do a nice uniform job of fire forming them. This usually means taking your barrel up at least one revolution.
It isn't done correctly as you describe.

The go gauge for an Ackley Improved chamber is 4 thou shorter than the go gauge for the factory version. Ackley did it this way to insure proper fire forming for the least case stretch and stronger brass when formed.

A factory case in an AI chamber should be felt fairly hard on the closing of the bolt.
Just did one with a new 8 twist barrel; shooting heavy bullets (80 gr.(obviously) Don't expect more than 400 - 500 rds. of "accurate"barrel life in my experience. I wouldn't waste a 14 twist barrel just to "go fast" IMO.

I have two 22-250AI's. Both on Rem 700 actions. I shot the first one for three of my annual PD hunts. Probably 700 to 100 rounds. Barrel does not look good and the accuracy started falling off.

I re-barreled the second one earlier this year and leaving to shoot Pdogs June 9th. I hope to get two or three years from it.

Chronographed the load this week - just slightly over 4000 fps. Using H4895 powder and a 50 grain Nosler BT moly coated bullet.

I also shoot a 220 Swift AI - it chronographs at 4200. Same powder and bullet. Installed new barrel in the Swift this year. This will be the first hunt for this gun since re barreling.

I have a 22 Dasher that shoots 3800fps using Varget and a 50 Gr Nosler BT . Shot it for the first time last year. It uses a lot less powder so hopefully the barrel life will improve.
