2017 NBRSA Group nationals RELAY ROTATION???

Today? Where do we shoot in AM then where and when in PM?

Am I 335, then 245, then 155?

Whose idea was this anyhoo?


It's a good way

to even out the field. Relay 1 doesn't always get the advantage (if there is one)
It really doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. I don't think it's stupid at all

to even out the field. Relay 1 doesn't always get the advantage (if there is one)
It really doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. I don't think it's stupid at all


Are you here shooting or just running your keyboard?

I've talked to two NBRSA directors so far, neither like it!

I'm running my keyboard

how else to respond to you????? If you don't like it quit or quit whining. I've shot matches with this format, what's the issue with it? How many relays at STL? 3?? Most can count that far. (Most)
Just be glad somebody is willing to run the match.

how else to respond to you????? If you don't like it quit or quit whining. I've shot matches with this format, what's the issue with it? How many relays at STL? 3?? Most can count that far. (Most)
Just be glad somebody is willing to run the match.


Like I said are you here shooting?

And have the guts to give your name!!!!

I've talked to two NBRSA directors so far, neither like it!.

Jerry, as I recall, they rotate relays at the SS (well, on second thought, maybe they don't) -- regardless, what is it that causes consternation?
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Jerry, I suggested this type of rotation after shooting at the Nationals in Midland some 12 or more years ago. There was a DEFINITE advantage to shooting in the 1st relay before the winds came up. I posted the data to prove it, but one would think that I desecrated the Pope. Well, after all of these years I am glad to see that some are at least willing to try this. We do this at our 600 yard matches and there is no problem with the competitors understanding when and where to shoot. I think that relay rotation is great and it helps level the playing field for all. Good shooting...James
Jeez Jerry!!

Don't get so worked up about it. If you don't like it fine.

For your information my name is Richard Brensing. ( You could have clicked and looked it up )

It would probably do you more good to concentrate on shooting the Nats than reading BR Central.

Good luck Jerry, hope you do well.
Jerry, I suggested this type of rotation after shooting at the Nationals in Midland some 12 or more years ago. There was a DEFINITE advantage to shooting in the 1st relay before the winds came up. I posted the data to prove it, but one would think that I desecrated the Pope. Well, after all of these years I am glad to see that some are at least willing to try this. We do this at our 600 yard matches and there is no problem with the competitors understanding when and where to shoot. I think that relay rotation is great and it helps level the playing field for all. Good shooting...James

James, if a shooter wants to be on relay 1 or a certain relay all they need to do is send their application in early.

.yesterday we shot 3-2-1, today 3-1-2???

Don't get so worked up about it. If you don't like it fine.

For your information my name is Richard Brensing. ( You could have clicked and looked it up )

It would probably do you more good to concentrate on shooting the Nats than reading BR Central.

Good luck Jerry, hope you do well.

Richard, I'm not worked up. If you don't like my posts just don't read them, comprande'!!!!!

Jerry, as I recall, they rotate relays at the SS (well, on second thought, maybe they don't) -- regardless, what is it that causes consternation?

Bill, I've shot this game over 20 years. Shot all the Super Shoots and all the NBRSA and IBS Nationals except one in Phoenix. This is the first one we have ever ROTATED RELAYS!!!!!

This may be the best idea since sex but several HERE NOW SHOOTING, don't like it either.

Come shoot with us.

rotate relays

I can see the momentum for a group hug building,, Happy Wednesday everyone. I sure as H_ _ _ wish I was able be at the Nationals rotating relays.

Kelly Ellis
This has nothing to do

whether I like your posts or not.
James is right! I have shot the Nats where being on relay 1 was a huge advantage. Why do you think most of the top shooters were on relay 1? Rotating relays takes the advantage away from being on a certain relay and levels the playing field for everyone. That's a good thing.
I have also shot Nats where relay one was a disadvantage. Phoenix comes to mind. A lot of times in the morning the wind would be coming right at you pretty strong. By the time relay 2 came to the line it would be a lot calmer. Happened almost everyday.
Long story short, rotate the relays to be fair to everybody.

I'm not at the Nationals this year because of Hurricane Harvey, but I think the rotation of relays at the Nationals is ok, it does level the field in a certain way. If the host club decides to do it, I'm fine with that. If not, I'm fine with that as well.

I'm not sure what the complaint against relay rotation is. Perhaps those that are so against the practice could explain their reasons why. Sooner or later, everybody has to shoot the exact same amount of Record Shots.
The hue and cry by REAL shooters and some of the NBRSA BOD is to try to attract more participants. In the group meeting this afternoon is was even brought up to make Sporter a 17# class. Making attending and shooting more simple, IMO, would attract more shooters. Us old guys don't like to be messed with. Don't beat on us, we will shoot your a$$!!!

The hue and cry by REAL shooters and some of the NBRSA BOD is to try to attract more participants. In the group meeting this afternoon is was even brought up to make Sporter a 17# class. Making attending and shooting more simple, IMO, would attract more shooters. Us old guys don't like to be messed with. Don't beat on us, we will shoot your a$$!!!


Jerry, I do a lot of shooting, Group, Varmint for Score, 600 yard Clay Breaks. I run Matches and openly campaign for shooters to come to Registered NBRSA Matches.
Do you want to know that truth? Most shooters do not care for Group Shooting. True, the admire the accomplishments, even marvel at the, they just don't care to do it.

Most shooters enjoy the concept of actually hitting something. Whether it's the dot in the middle of a Score target, a claybird, a bottle cap, or steel pig, the idea of accuracy, as opposed to precision, has a much greater appeal to most shooters.

As a group shooter, I understand that the true test of a Rifle is it's ability to make a bullet take the exact same path as the one before. But to the vast majority of the public believes the true test of the Rifle, and the Shooter, is to actually hit a prescribed target.

We aren't the only endevour suffering from it's on excellence. NHRA Drag Racing can't even get a full field of 16 cars for Pro Stock in most of the races this year. It seems it is too expensive, too demanding, and yes, too difficult to compete in.
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The hue and cry by REAL shooters and some of the NBRSA BOD is to try to attract more participants. In the group meeting this afternoon is was even brought up to make Sporter a 17# class. Making attending and shooting more simple, IMO, would attract more shooters. Us old guys don't like to be messed with. Don't beat on us, we will shoot your a$$!!!


:confused: Jerry are you actually threatening to shoot someone? Please take a step back there cowboy, this ain't the OK corral.