2017 Group Nationals Update


New member
Hello All,
We are getting pretty close to the 2017 Group Nationals at STL BRRC. We were able to go through the registrations that have been received at the club and via email to date. Turnout is looking a little light this year for multiple reasons, so we have decided to use the center 50 benches and 10 flag rotations. This makes room for 150 shooters, which is double what is signed up to date. This change saves 800 unused targets, and also makes for less chances of issues with target changes and cross fires!
The registration form has been updated to only contain the active flag rotations. We very much appreciate all of those that volunteered to sponsor flag rotations. We kept the rotations based on when they made contact to volunteer. I apologize for any issues that this may cause anyone.
There are also two additional attachments to this post. They include the current list of registrations received and also a list of current rotations. We have many more verbal requests and camping site reservations than actual registrations at this point, so if you plan to attend please send in your registration as soon as possible.
I travel out of the country very often for my job so email works the best if you need anything. I leave the country again latter this week for Asia so email will definitely work best for any issues or info needed.

*****LAST UPDATED 9/5/2017*****

I'm looking forward to seeing many of you in a few weeks.

Joe Fesi
(314) 800-8921


  • 2017 Nationals Letter-Registration.pdf
    334.6 KB · Views: 435
  • 2017 Nationals Registration.pdf
    113.4 KB · Views: 218
  • 2017 Nationals Flag Rotations.pdf
    118.3 KB · Views: 206
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Joe, glad I looked at the flag rotation list. I thought I had sent my registration form in, but looks like I must not have.
Hey, I thought I sent a registration. I was notified I had a camping spot but I'm not on the pfd list?

Do I need to send money or what?

Edit-put me on Nearys flags and on like the 3rd relay.

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Hello Jerry,
What's posted are all of the registrations received to date. We will put you on the requested flag rotation, but please forward a copy of your registration whenever you get a chance.
NBRSA Nationals flag rotation

Joe, yes, about half the flags on that rotation will be mine. Neither Don or I, by ourselves have enough flags for a rotation.

Hi Mike
You or Don should contact Jack Sutton. He can bring flags to complete your flag setup. I will send Jack a text.
Bob H
Hello Jerry,
What's posted are all of the registrations received to date. We will put you on the requested flag rotation, but please forward a copy of your registration whenever you get a chance.

I just now saw this thread. Check is on the way.

Even though this stupid city, Kingsport, has wrecked my home, we still have RFD mail delivery and our regular carrier retired in May. I'm still looking for 2 ebay packages that their USPS tracking said were delivered in July.

Thankfully I'm not in Houston's misery.

Hi Mike
You or Don should contact Jack Sutton. He can bring flags to complete your flag setup. I will send Jack a text.
Bob H

Bob, between Don and I we have plenty. I have a dozen Smiley flags and five probes. Don has enough for the rest of the lines. The only thing we've ever been short on is probes. Having two probes per line. Really hope that there is no need for the probes though. They are more when not to shoot rather than when to shoot. We put out four flags at 100 and add a flag for five spaced a little different for 200. I'm pretty sure that Don has the rest of the probes arranged to have there for what we don't have between the two of us.

We are in good shape for the number of flags we need for the five lines of flags. So, no need to add any more stuff to what you or Jack are bringing from New York.
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Joe, I have sent you several emails without a response. Can you please respond?

Jeff I have not received any of your emails, but have you listed on Cambell's flag rotations on the latest list. Please let me know if you need anything else.
I just now saw this thread. Check is on the way.

Even though this stupid city, Kingsport, has wrecked my home, we still have RFD mail delivery and our regular carrier retired in May. I'm still looking for 2 ebay packages that their USPS tracking said were delivered in July.

Thankfully I'm not in Houston's misery.


I'm afraid your mail carrier has dropped the ball. No registrations received yet, but I added you to Neary's rotation 3rd relay on the latest list.

****Flag rotations updated on 9/5/2017****

Please see the attached flag rotation list. It was updated last on 9/5/2017. We were lucky enough to have the president of the NBRSA and an additional referee on-site yesterday and were able to draw for the benches for each of the ten flag rotations. This latest list not only has your flag rotations, but also your bench assignments and competitor numbers. Please review the list and let me know if any changes need to be made for bench sharing or relay changes.
I will be 13 hours time zone different between now and Wednesday September 13th, so email will be the best way to contact me.
Joe Fesi


  • 2017 Nationals Registration.pdf
    113.4 KB · Views: 195
  • 2017 Nationals Flag Rotations.pdf
    118.3 KB · Views: 230
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