2017 Cotton Boll


Active member
Saturday LV 100 & 200


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Saturday LV 100 & 200

Looks like a nice turnout, and seems like the Lubbock winds kicked in as the day wore on, congrats Mike. Tomorrow should be interesting top 5 places seem close. Wish I could be there but St. Louis is too close to make 2 long drives. " Zipper"
Congratulations Gary, good warm-up for New Zealand. Kelly and Rusty the match was "flawless" according to a small bird flying south, hats off to you both, hope next year will see me there. Zipper
The Cotton Boll

Something came up at the last minute and I had to cancel my trip to Lubbock,Tx. I regret to have missed the Maiden voyage, in registered competition, for the Llano Estacado Shooters Association at Lubbock,TX.

Congratulations to Gary Bristow. Gary is on a mission. I spent some time with Gary at a registered match several weeks ago. He is extremely focused on the upcoming Worlds Championship in New Zealand. He has a simple formula for success at this Sport.

Equipment.Practice and Mentors. Not necessarily in that order.

Congrats to all the Competitors in attendance at this match, some of the best shooters in the Sport, for coming out in support of the first Registered match at the Llano Estacado Shooters Association range at Lubbock,Tx. A new place to shoot. Thanks to Kelly and Dusty Morman and others for making it all possible.

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Master of the Mystic Arts

Glen, you have attributed Gary's shooting success to equipment, practice and mentors. There is an alternative explanation which I believe to be true. He is dabbling in the occult. Somewhere in his abode, probably behind the toilet, he has stashed the tools of his nefarious trade. If some one of sufficient piety (probably no less then the pope) could burst into his house and undo the aura of evil he has woven around himself then the rest of us in the Gulf Coast would be saved. Barring this we might be doomed. I am writing to the pontiff now. It is our only hope. Tim
Mystic Arts

If some one of sufficient piety (probably no less then the pope) could burst into his house and undo the aura of evil he has woven around himself then the rest of us in the Gulf Coast would be saved. Barring this we might be doomed. I am writing to the pontiff now. It is our only hope. Tim

Excellent observation Dr Tim. The Pope,accompanied by Special prosecutor Robert Mueller and his band of no-knock search warrant executors, could possibly uncover the hidden secrets and remove the Halo.

Don't let John find out about any of this Tim, he would be mighty upset!

Right now he thinks Gary won all those $1 side bets fair and squair ?