2012 Denton Tx NBRSA Match Schedule


Denton, Tx. NBRSA 2012 Match Schedule

No excuses this year – plenty of time to plan to attend. We will provide a free lunch each day along with free parking. Ok, so we always had free parking – but the club has purchased the land north of the range so we have more parking spaces! Range will be open Friday for practice (closing around 5 or 6 pm to setup for Saturdays match).

Varmint for Score
Mar 31 – VFS LV 100 & 200
Apr 1 - VFS HV 100 & 200
NBRSA has approved registered VFS matches for 2012. Denton will support a two day match with Heavy and Light gun (10.5 & 13.5). You guys who complain about the heavy varmint 30s can get even a little bit now with a required light gun! This should provide opportunity for everyone.

GCR Championship
Jun 16 – SP & LV 100
Jun 17 – LV & SP 200
This is the second half of the Gulf Coast Championship – so if at all possible you will want to attend the first half in Tom Ball (Mar 24/25)

Texas Showdown
Sep 22 – UL5 & HV 200
Sep 23 – SP & LV 200
This is the hot one – four gun killer. You may not find more challenging match with the Denton winds and all 200 yards. No mercy here!

We are looking forward to hosting a good shoot and a day full of fun and lies! Mark your calenders now to attend as I hope to see all you whiners (or winners) this year. If anyone plans to bring a camping trailer let me know so we can provide power. Someone will be assigned to keep an eye on Dr. Tim and he may even bring the old mixer for a Sat P.M. cold one. Any questions give me a call or drop an email.

Michael Stinnett
Lottsa "HEADS - UP" time for these Registered Matches..... Excellent..!

Guess Jerry will have 2012 club shoots posted on his site....

See ya Mike,
I heard no club shoots this year. No one to run them... I sure wished I lived closer, I would most certianly do it. I like that stuff.

Hope to see ya on April 1st. I only have a heavy gun, so I wonlt be shooting that Saturday.
Michael, I am assuming the Saturday LV Match is not actually a NBRSA Sanctioned Match. Or am I missing something. It would not be the first time this year......jackie
I heard no club shoots this year. No one to run them....

:( I hate to hear that. I was hoping to shoot a couple of club matches. My old Savage doesn't make weight even for HV. I doubt my scores with be in the area where I would be protested.. :eek:. I will try to make a couple of shoots. Many thanks to the guys (James and John) that ran the club matches in the past. I learned a lot at these and got to meet some great people. Tim
Jackie all of these matches are NBRSA I think. Mike can confirm.

And I believe the Club will have some Club Matches , that info has not been sent yet, Hold on for more info.

I shoot a lot of matches normally and have to say Mike looks like he has gotten these lined out to really have some good fun, Food and Drink, taking care to creat lots of Value. I am looking forward to them, and seeing you all. MARK YOUR CALENDARS ALL YE MERRY MEN FROM NEAR AND YON AND WE WILL HAVE A LOT OF FUN.
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Stewart, I don't think I asked my question correctly.

There is no such class as LV Varmint for Score under NBRSA Sanction. All Registered NBRSA Varmint for Score Matches will be fired with a Rifle that is legal for NBRSA HV Competition.

Of course, you can have a match, but you cannot combine it with a NBRSA Sanctioned Event to make up a Two Gun Format.

Now, this is assuming that sometime this past Fall, the NBRSA created a Varmint for Score Class for LV or Sporter. If they did, I have not heard about it.

The IBS Recognizes LV Varmint for Score only for Records, they have to compete along side HV Rifles at the actual Matches.
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Denton VFS Match

Hopefully I can explain this where it makes sense to everyone.

First – Jackie your correct there is no LV in VFS NBRSA.

My intent with this match was to have a two day – two gun event, make it worth a road trip for those remote and encourage those that do not own a heavy 30 to shoot. However, there are few, if any true Hunter Class 10.5 lb guns in our area to help promote a two gun event. The other class created by NBRSA was the 13.5LB VFS (or as we know it our good old HV).

My hope here was to create a match which would appeal to those who own a 13.5lb – 30 cal. and open an opportunity to those that are stuck with LV 10.5LB. This also would provide an incentive for those who must travel to have a true two day event (four matches) instead of just taking two days to shoot two matches or shoot the same gun both days.

Now Ralph has beaten me senseless on several occasions with his 6MM on score matches but in all fairness most people would agree that a 13.5LB 30 cal. has a bit of an edge on a 10.5LB 6PPC when it comes to score. Actually I’ve only shot my 30 as a heavy perhaps two times in the last two years – normally I leave it setup as a LV. In any case, I created a LV and HV VFS. NBRSA has agreed to provide a little wiggle room for clubs trying to promote these VFS matches (call them Texas Rules). Now, we all know that a 10.5 lb gun is legal and many people shoot them in heavy matches as they don’t have both. This would be our case here – both matches are in fact sanctioned by NBRSA. If you manage to shoot a 500 – 50X with either gun it would in fact be a world record (I wish!). I think if you have a 250 – 25X at 200 yards it would be a record too? The two gun awards are not sanctioned by NBRSA as it is not the correct gun type (Hunter Class). This was true last year in shooting the same gun both days for a two gun match.

The intent here is to shoot as much as possible and have a good time competing. Should I get enough input from shooters in the area with other ideas on how this match should be setup, it certainly can be changed to accommodate the majority (I have time to coordinate this with the NBRSA). Everyone is welcome to shoot both or either day as a single event. It’s still two months plus away and this was one of the reasons to publish early and get good questions/responses from our local shooters here in TX.

Feel free to drop me an email if you’re not comfortable here on the forum and let me know if you think this sucks or if it’s a good idea. Again, looking for max fun and shooting.
Michael Stinnett
I like the idea of encouraging all those little Lt 6mms to come out of the closit and compete, and all those husky types who shoot the hot loads on a lite 30 to come out and show us how much they can take. At any rate Mike and crowd are really trying to make all these matches fun, including practice, food, drinks, and the social hour gives us a lot of chance to shoot a bunch, kill some of those bad targets, and generally have a good reason to see all of our friends. The other group matches look fun too and I am especially looking forward to the crowd comming together.

Whom ever is incharge of Tim should bring a helmet. Oh yes, Tim is very serious and no one should poke fun at him, he has built an honist to god score gun, complete, with new chambering, bullets, barrel and is wanting revenge for all those whuppins he has endured. I hope everyone will come and play, Ray, bring all the Arkansas guys, Cale all the OK folks, Jackie pack up the Houston boys, and Ryan, come with the state capital crowd, we will have a bunch of fun. West Texas should also ride in to try and clean up the rift raft and straighten up the whole bunch of mis behavers.

Happy new year.

Ralph, I shot the NBRSA/IBS two day VFS match in Denton last year and really enjoyed it. I'll be there again this year if work doesn't interfere.

Also, does anyone know the date for the HV/UL leg of the GCRC that will, presumably, be in Tomball again this year?

Mike, it is not my place to question what you are doing, it is the NBRSA's. You simply cannot "make up" a class and call it a NBRSA Sanctioned event. The rules state quite plainly that Varmint for Score will be fired with a Rifle that is legal to be fired in Class Heavy Varmint.

You can no more do what you are doing than have a group match and declare that it will be a NBRSA Two Gun Match to consist of Factory Class and Sporter. There is no such thing as a 'Factory Class' in ther NBRSA Class Structure.

What you need to do is simply call your Saturday Match a Club Match with a 10.5 pound weight limit to be followed by a NBRSA Sanctioned Varmint for Score Match on Sunday.

Give Scott Hunter a call. .........jackie
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Jackie as always appreciate your input.

For everyone attending just be sure to bring a LV 10.5 for Sat and a HV 13.5 for Sun if you have them. Of course you can shoot light gun both days.

Good man Ryan,
You go get a rail, a new cart and now looking for matches and skins. Good man. I have not seen the schedule, but you can give Russel or Scott, a call and get the latest. Scott was going to the printer to get the schedules printed just yesterday, so I am sure all will be revealed soon.I never miss a Tom Ball match, if I can help it.

Happy New Year every one.
Club Matches for Denton

I will be running 4 matches this year. I need to set up the dates, but they will be on Sundays in the months that we dont have the registered matches. They will be run like last years.
I know I am only one. But I liked the Sat. club matches because I am normally in church on Sunday. Jerry could you give some consideration to that and have the club matches on Sat. Anyone else have this problem?
