10x viii firing pin spring help

How do they not go back in the exact same place unless you've messed with the hanger?
All hangars I’ve seen have a certain amount of play. Some even come with slotted holes. There are some available with slotted holes and an adjustment screw. Even the smallest movement can have a fairly big effect.

The reason many manufacturers pin the trigger is to keep owners from playing with them. Probably a good idea for the average owner but us RFBR shooters we know stuff.

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All hangars I’ve seen have a certain amount of play. Some even come slotted holes. There are some available with slotted holes and an adjustment screw. Even the smallest movement can have a fairly big effect.

The reason many manufacturers pin the trigger is to keep owners from playing with them. Probably a good idea for the average owner but we RFBR shooters know much more than the manufacturers.

The H&R M12 is pinned so you can't do any adjustment with the trigger. my work around to be able to change pin hit since there isn't any aftermarket springs to give different spring rates is to add weight to the pin via the cocking piece. I also learned the pin stop is at the cocking piece as well. different cocking pieces give different pin protrusion.
going back to pin hit and how too little or too much can affect the way the rifle shoots. just by removing a 1/4 oz. I was able stop the occasional flippers I believe they are called. rifle shoots much flatter and predictable. by the way the M12 is PAS
I use a Mititoyo 6 inch ruler, and measure from the end of the hanger to the end of the tang, to keep me close to the original position. 16mm is what I use currently on my V1 actions.
I do both measure and use a witness punch mark. I also use a witness punch mark for my barrels. once lined up I know they are back to where they were before. no need to worry about torque.

Well, now hang on a minute.....

Tony KNOWS stuff.

I like to mess with stuff.

And if I keep messing with stuff long enough I may get to know stuff, too!

Take care,
