1000yd Bench Gun

. . . The 600 yd format has much to recommend it as with a four target agg for light and heavy, you just get to shoot more (although NC 1000 runs two match Saturdays). Greg
Actually Greg, with the two matches in one day that you mention, I usually shoot a total of 6-7 targets, and 3-4 of those are 10-shot ones.

Plus, it's long range. 600 yards is just seed-spittin' distance.

I've always been puzzled by the "gotta shoot more" notion. When it's mano a mano, you only get one shot. Closest thing to that is 1K BR. Sort makes each shot a bit more important. If it would make people happier though, I guess we could try to find someone with a class 3 license, and for a small fee, losers could burn through a magazine...

Come shoot with us a bit this year. If all else fails, we're going to try to have a State Championship Match, a money match -- you could aim for that.
Hi Charles

Actually Greg, with the two matches in one day that you mention, I usually shoot a total of 6-7 targets, and 3-4 of those are 10-shot ones.

Yes you do, and when you do there are still the 90% that don't.

Plus, it's long range. 600 yards is just seed-spittin' distance.

After ten years and not missing a single match at Hawks Ridge, not to mention plenty at Quantico, Ohio (and "almost a mile") and occasionally Williamsport and Iowa I absolutely agree that "Long Range" starts at 1K.. But I've heard (I'm sure this is just a vicious rumor) that you have actually shot at (gasp!) 100 yds. (I realize that this is getting pretty personal-delete if you must. In the interest of full disclosure I must personally admit to bowling pins at 25 feet. Don't spread this information around).

I've always been puzzled by the "gotta shoot more" notion. When it's mano a mano, you only get one shot.
Closest thing to that is 1K BR. Sort makes each shot a bit more important.

Very happily for me, I've never had to go "mano a mano". For me its just a game and a party. Hope my luck holds. But NSSC awards a "Wooden Dollar" for a first sighter X at 1K. And for me that's with irons, a 308 and out of a sling. Talk about doing it backwards and in high heels, that Ginger chick got nothin' on me! Maybe that speaks to your sentiment. But every shot is a learning experience. More shots is more learning and you can believe that I've also learned a lot shooting 80 shots with Sam Hall or 88 with Kent Reeve.

If it would make people happier though, I guess we could try to find someone with a class 3 license, and for a small fee, losers could burn through a magazine...

Well, I tried that too. Takes a lot of hay to feed that elephant. Anyone looking for a nice MP5 SD A3?

Come shoot with us a bit this year. If all else fails, we're going to try to have a State Championship Match, a money match -- you could aim for that.

Gerald Wright's wife Janet accused me of being a "gun slut" as I "love them all". There is some truth to that. I'm like that about matches too. Thanks for the invite. Here's hoping I do have the pleasure of shooting with you and the other unrepentantly committed members of the old Hawks Ridge gang in the coming year.

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But I've heard (I'm sure this is just a vicious rumor) that you have actually shot at (gasp!) 100 yds. Greg
Oh, you bet. I'm even shooting some indoor rimfire these days, with my boyhood Winchester 52. Putting together a new RF rifle with one of Leonard's actions. I see Blake & a few others from the old crowd are shooting RF too. As long as I can sit, I'll shoot anything. Now RF at 600, that would be a trip!
I've got a 40X just like the one I shot at NCSU and just put my Eley retired ammo tester annie 54 that was living in an Edge in an ancient prone stock so I could work on position here in my LA hood (lower Avery {county}) without making the neighbors nuts. I've played with 22's at 300 yds, even shot an egg shoot successfully at 300 (ask De Simone, I think he's still torqued about that). 300 needs 40 moa with 1140 fps (UM1). What happens at 600? 140 moa? What you been smoking? Never got to shoot a mortar before. Think I'll need the sights off the Sharps.
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Greg.............was that the one where you loaned the rifle to every Tom, Dick and Harry that wanted to shoot it? You had that gun really lasered in! It was unfair for the other poor shooters who didn't get to shoot it!
Rich De
Greg.............was that the one where you loaned the rifle to every Tom, Dick and Harry that wanted to shoot it? You had that gun really lasered in! It was unfair for the other poor shooters who didn't get to shoot it!
Rich De

Naw, only three of us shot the rimfire, Mike and Brian Lasley and me. I thought it was pretty cool that eleven year old Brian hit eggs two out of three times at 300 and I had to put him away in a sudden death shoot-off. Could have gone either way!

You're thinking of the previous NH&FD egg shoot at Catawba when all the kids lined up and took a turn breaking 300 yd eggs with the 6 RDP RFD. It wasn't just Tom, Dick and Harrys. We had some Ambers and Tiffanys too. You could have had a turn and broken the egg but you're over 54" tall.

You probably remember later when Wes Lefler came to Hawks Ridge and shot a 4.0"/50 in his first ever (and only) BR match with that same rifle. I think it's still true that Wes holds the IBS 1K LG lifetime average record for Group and Score. He won't shot another match for the same reason that I might not shoot another bear, it could only hurt the average.

You remember when Rebecca nearly shot a 600 yd score agg record with it Piedmont. Back to back 52's (on the old target) once she got the eyepiece on the scope focused to her eye and realized there was a dot in between the hash marks. That was her first match also.

Rich, You've reminded me that I've had as much or more fun watching other folks shoot my equipment as I've had shooting it myself. Thanks for the memories buddy.

I also remember that one day I got an envelope in the mail from Wes..................He had taken quite a few photos at that match and was nice enough to send them to me. A good guy!

Your right, it was that "purple gun" that was kickin' butt at 300!
Rich De
You're right Rich. Wes is a good guy. I met him through photography, not shooting. He was picking up processed slides (remember those days?)and checking them out on a light box at the camera store. I was looking over his shoulder and admired what I saw, artfully arranged squirrels and autumn leaves in the bottom of a cedar stripper canoe. He was, as usual, working on a rimfire story. Well, maybe I did meet him through shooting.

All things being equal, purple rifles shoot best. Bad part was when I brought it home, Leandra and Rebecca thought it was for them. :)

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Two more questions for you helpfull guys. What kind of stools do you guys use to shoot off of at Butner? Two what kind of spotting scope would you recomend I get to use there?
Thanks Again
i use a drummers throne....stool for us ....i bought used for 35...solid three leg, adjustable base and hieght, i leave the seat a little loose and it allows me to rotate....

for the ibs target with its light blue/white construction..i use a CHEAP scope. its a 22-67 with a 100mm objective.$300 delivered...try opticsplanet.com.....not really a big deal as the spotters are plenty easy to see...

mike in co

Don't worry about either one right now. For sighting in you just look at the spotter disc through your rifle scope. If you need help getting on paper, someone will help you with their scope. Recommending a stool is like telling somebody what his shoes will feel like to him. There'll be lots of different types that folks will be happy to lend you when they aren't shooting. If you feel like you have to show up with something, a 7 gal plastic bucket or two 5 gal stacked together works and will carry stuff besides. I use a drummers stool but I like the folding wooden bench type also.

6 Dasher Complete!

6Dasher 005.jpg6Dasher 003.jpg6Dasher 001.jpg

Baity's Custom Gunworks done a fine job on this rifle for me! Been Raining here since I picked it up, maybe I'll get some trigger time this weekend. Hopefully I will have it tuned in for the first match at Hawks Ridge the last Saturday this month!

Brandon hope it shoots as good as it looks! I think you'll enjoy 1000 yd. shooting. Did notice you still have the stock bolt handle, I have a big hand so I needed to extend mine. Think it help with speed!

Joe Salt
Thanks Joe, Guess I will see how it shoots this weekend at Hawks Ridge. I have only got to test at 100yards so far. Not sure really how good it should shoot at 100, but high 1's, low 2's 5 shot is the load i have worked up for it. Sent you an email Marion.

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